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     Estella’s POV:

          My blur vision brought me into senses, I tried to concentrate when I realized I was on a moving horse, and the speed was too much to act and escape alive. my hands are tied, and a muscular hand is around my waist.

  My moments made Tristan say, “you are awake?..... you took too much time to wake up, maybe the herb has too much effect on you, I should be careful with the next dose..” I looked at Tristan’s face as I turned my head.
His gaze is indifferent, he said, “but I wish you won’t make me use another dose.” I am so angry with him. He got me out of the palace. He used some kind of herb to make me lose consciousness.

   I felt his hand tighter around my waist, making sure I won’t fall off the moving horse. I said with anger, “I didn’t know you like to poison people…. what else is hidden behind your innocent act…”

  He said, looking at the path, “I didn’t poison you. You were just sleeping for one day….. my love and care was never act for you…. you are making me do this…”

1 day?... it’s been a day, and I know Adrian must be searching for me. But I am worried about this person, who appears strange, like he can do anything to me…. and I can’t stop him.

  I was about to speak when I felt Tristan pushing a cloth in my mouth, he said, “we need to go a long way… and I promise, once we are there you will know the power I hold…”  what does he means?... where?... what else has he hidden from us.

     The 2 days later,  evening,

      I am tired and hungry, Tristan is still taking me somewhere on the horse… but now I don’t even know where I am,…. A complete strange place. Tristan offered me food, but I refused.

      I noticed the forest was thinning, and soon I saw a huge stone wall and a metal gate. As the people on watch saw Tristan, they opened the gate… wait… if he takes me in…. then I have no escape…. I need to do something now…
     As I noticed the horse was waiting for the gate to open, I pushed Tristan and jumped off the horse with the remaining strength I got… I fell at first… but I managed to stop…

  But I couldn’t take much steps. The guards pointed their weapon at me stopping, but do they consider me as weak….

  The guard said something in a different language, I don’t understand.  I somehow moved and took the sword from the guard and was about to kill him and make my way to flee, but I felt my hand getting caught.

  Tristan made me look at him and pulled the weapon out of my hand, he appears at the edge of his hanger. I tried to push him, but he warned, “Estella… don’t..” I bite his hand, he hissed and let go….  I tried to escape again, but my dizzy body made me lose my  balance. I was starving for 3 days. I fell on the ground, and I yelped. I tried to correct my blurred vision, and my head was also spinning.

   I felt someone picking me up, Tristan pulled me in his arms, and I had no strength to fight back. He was my friend, my everything at once… and now I don’t even know him.

    He said something to guard in the same unknown language. Even though I want to lose my eyes due to exhaustion, I kept my weak eyes open. As he took me in through the gate, I realized this place is weird… and unknown.

    Tristan took me to a carriage and then soon me got me off of it, in front of a well secured house,  but it was bigger than other places in this strange town.

   He took me in, and it’s almost like castle. I was still in his arms as he was talking me in. He said something to a woman who appeared to be a maid, but I can’t understand anything.

   Tristan took me to a room and placed me on the bed, I tried to move back from him. He said, “you don’t have energy but still manage to be like this…”

  I asked, looking around, “what is this place?” he looked at me expressionlessly, I asked again as my eyes got teary, “where am I?”

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