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"Why do you look as though you're getting ready to go perform the violin for the fishies?" I tease Jackson as I flop down onto my bed. I lay on my side and prop my head in my hand, ogling his abs while he gets dressed.

Before me, he's standing in front of the mirror buttoning up a navy dress shirt. "Don't you have Gabby to go bug?" He replies.

I sigh and study my nails, the silver polish already chipping around the edges. "She's sleeping again. Had I known that was all she was going to be doing this trip, I would have never come.

So, perhaps, that's not true, I think, hungrily inhaling Jackson's lean form. The vacation has given me plenty of alone time with my friend's brother. And for that, I'm extremely grateful.


He gives me a sharp look. "You shouldn't say that," he grumbles.

I hold up my palms, not wishing to argue. "Fine but you still haven't told me what the special occasion is."

He turns to face me, a broad grin lighting up his olive features. "Kelsi's coming over for dinner."

My stomach instantly drops, and I sit up straight in bed. "You're lying. When did you get the time to ask her out in between vomiting in the bushes and slurring your words?"

Wiggling his eyebrows, his smile transforms into one of mischief. "That's exactly when I invited her over." He scoffs playfully. "As it turns out, I'm rather bold when drunk."

I slide off the bed. "And she accepted?" I question incredulously. 

But it's not because I don't believe that Jackson isn't hot enough, sexy enough, or dreamy enough to land her. It's because I can't fully grasp that he's about to embark on a relationship with someone that isn't me.

He lifts a brow. "Well, don't act so shocked. She readily agreed, for your information. I guess it turns out that she's into me after all." He buttons up his cuffs and all I can do is fume as I stare at him.

The doorbell suddenly rings and he perks up as though he's some sort of guard dog. "I'll get it!" He calls, striding from the room.

I stick out my tongue in the direction he has gone before flopping onto the mattress again and staring up at the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling.

How can I convince Kelsi that Jackson would make the worst boyfriend ever?

As I begin to develop my sinister plan, I hear chatter and the sound of a feminine laugh in the living room. Clenching my jaw, I vow that no matter how much my stomach protests, I will not be joining the family for dinner. I refuse to be a spectator in the demise of my own life.

But fate has other plans.

Kelsi appears in the entryway of my bedroom, radiating ethereal beauty as though she is a miraculous mirage. "Hi, Sterling," she greets shyly, tucking a vibrant scarlet lock behind one ear and gingerly perching on Jackson's bed.

I notice that she has painted her fingernails black.

I'm instantly annoyed, the blood in my veins set to a low simmer. Can't she get her own identity? 

"What do you want?" I snap. "Your date is in the other room." I'm aware that I'm being bitchy, but I can't help it, I'm hardwired to despise the girl that tries to steal my man.

Even if he's not my man and she's not robbing him because she has no clue that I have the faintest interest in him to begin with.

She bites her lip and gazes at me with round eyes as though she's a wounded puppy. "I was hoping we could be friends," she says with a soft sincerity.

My Best Friend's Hot Brother (18+)Where stories live. Discover now