The Raunchiest Act That I Had Ever Witnessed

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Any guesses on that chapter title?


"So, you'll be here for nine? Sounds great. I can't wait to catch up."

I hang up my cell phone as Sterling eyes me suspiciously over her steaming cup of herbal tea. The earthy fragrance causes my nostrils to twitch, and I sneeze. We are sitting at the kitchen table for breakfast, along with Gabby after my parents have gone off to buy groceries.

"Was that Kelsi?" She questions, irritation in her voice. "I thought I took care of that."

I shoot her a warning glare as Gabby smiles at us in total oblivion over what we are discussing. She believes that we are innocently bickering because that is our usual routine versus what we are actually doing, which is entangling ourselves in a triangle of jealousy.

"It's none of your business who I was speaking to," I grumble. "Go back to sipping on your roots and leaves."

Her eyebrows shoot up, her expression scolding me over her right to be privy to that information since my dick's been inside of her.

Instead, I ignore her. My dick's also been acquainted with my hand but that doesn't mean I go blabbing every little detail to my fingers.

She picks up her teacup in response, sticking out her pinky as she takes a dainty sip and gazes wistfully out the window at the dreary sky. "There's nothing cozier on a rainy morning than a spot of tea served with a side of biscuits," she states.

I pause my bite of cereal, my spoon freezing halfway to my mouth and my lips twist into a smirk. "Why are you speaking with a British accent?"

Straightening her posture, she shakes out a crisp napkin before carefully placing it upon her lap. "Because I have class, darling."

My shoulders shake from how hard I am chuckling. "Sterling, what are you doing?" I ask in amusement.

"Just being myself, lamb. Any other version is simply dreadfully rubbish. Now, will you please pass me the honey? I would fancy some of it in my beverage." She scrunched up her features as she stared into her cup of tea. "This tastes bloody awful."

I slide the bear shaped container across the table. "And being English automatically equates to one being classy?"

"Of course, dumpling. The Royals are the classiest people I can think of, and they hail from England."

Gabby giggles. "You're so zany, Sterling. This is why we are friends."

I drop my chin into my palm as I drum my fingertips on the tabletop, the realization dawning on me of what's spurring this sudden charade. "Is this because of what I said yesterday?"

My sister turns to me with great intrigue, her lips parted into an o shape. "What did you say?" Her eyes glitter with curiosity.

"I might have hinted that she wasn't classy," I mumble beneath my breath. "But it wasn't meant as an insult-"

"Bullocks!" Sterling exclaims, pounding her fist on the table. "You all but casted me out of your kingdom because I don't conform to your visions of the ideal citizen."

I held up my palms. "Hey, I never said that there is anything wrong with how you act. I was just merely pointing out that it's different behavior from the types of people that I typically spend my time with."

Gabby gasps, her expression one of disgust as she stands up from the table to bring her dish over to the sink. The sudden movement is enough to leave her dizzy and she grips the countertop to steady herself, squeezing her eyelids shut.

My Best Friend's Hot Brother (18+)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora