Snake boy got redeemed

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The next day Vaggie and Charlie suddenly get called for another meeting in heaven

V: "Are they going to scold us for what we did? Cause if they are I don't wanna hear it."

C: "Vaggie don't worry, they said it was important and I'm sure it's gonna be fine"

They both go through the portal and a familiar face meets them at the gates


S: "right in the flesh dear"

V: "Well, I'll be damned"

*Vaggie smiles as Charlie runs up to Sir pentious and gives him the biggest hug ever*

C: "I can't believe you're okay, I thought you were gone for good!"

S: "You know you can't get rid of me that easily"

*Charlie giggles but lightly punches sir pentious on the arm*

C: "Never do that to me again! You scared the shit out of me!"

*They all laugh*

*Vaggie walks up to Charlie*

V: "Well babe, looks like souls really can be redeemed, you did it and I'm so proud of you"
*Charlie smiles*

C: "Haha suck it Adam!! Even though you're dead, I don't care, we did it!"

*Vaggie chuckles*

V: "alright babe keep your cool"

C: "Sorry, I'm just so happy!!"

*Charlie dances around a little*

V: "you and me both hun"

S: "So it's very nice up here, everyone is very welcome and that girl Emily is very nice"

*Charlie smiles*

S: "Wait! How's Cherri? Is she doing okay? Has she- said- anything about.. me?"

*Vaggie and Charlie do the oooh sound*

C: "Yeah she's doing great! Her usual destructive self, but actually.. she misses you a lot"

S: "She.. misses me?" *He makes that teary big eyed face*

V: "Yeah man! She's been talking about you and I bet she'd love to see you!"

S: "Can I see her? Please? I need to see her face again it's been too long"

C: "Of course! We'll go get her, stay there okay? Don't go disappearing on us again"

*They all giggle and Sir pentious waves

S: I hope she'll be happy to see me, It's been too long and I need to tell her how I feel

*Sir pentious blushes while awaiting Cherri's arrival*

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