Tell Angel dust!

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*Charlie and Vaggie exit the portal and Charlie runs over to Angel to tell him the news as Vaggie watches her while smiling*


A: "Woah there sister, calm your tits, what's going on?"

*Charlie takes a deep breath*

C: "Okay so remember in the battle against heaven and Sir pentious sacrificed himself for us?"

A: "Yeah and then he died.. why are you bringing this up?"

C: "Angel I'm getting to that!! So we just got called into heaven and guess who was there? SIR PENTIOUS, HE'S NOT DEAD HE WAS REDEEMED AND THE HOTEL WORKS AND I'M SO HAPPY!!"

A: "No fucking way, you're not pulling my leg right?"

C: "Angel, have I ever deceived you?"

A: "So you're telling me, he was blasted by that dickhead Adam and didn't die but instead got redeemed and now he's in heaven?"

*Angel dust is looking at Charlie in disbelief*

C: "If you don't believe me, me and Vaggie were on our way to tell Cherri, wanna come with? Sir pentious wants to see her and one of the seraphim's said it was okay and I figure it would be fine to bring you along too"

A: "Shit.. this is a lot to process uh, I don't know Charlie, what if they don't like me up there?"

C: "We're just seeing sir pentious it should be fine we'll be in front of the gates, plus who wouldn't like you Angel? You're fun and kind, in your own way, and you care about your friends so much!"

A: "Yeah I-, I guess you're right about that toots"

C: "So what do you say? Wanna join us?"

A: "Ah fuck it why not, I missed the guy anyway"

C: "YAYY!!"

*She gives Angel a big hug*

A: "Charlie y- you're squeezing me"

V: "Charlie, personal space hun"

C: "Sorry- sorry!"

*She stops hugging him and smiles*

Sir pentious is in HEAVEN?Where stories live. Discover now