My dearest friend

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The pulsating beat of anticipation filled the air as the concert venue buzzed with excitement. Backstage, amidst the flurry of last-minute preparations, San dashed towards Wooyoung, his voice laced with urgency.

San: Wooyoung! Why are you taking so long? The fans are waiting for you!
Wooyoung: Smiling reassuringly, "I'm almost ready, San. Just a few more adjustments and I'll be out there with you."
(Some concerns were shown on his face )
San: Placing a hand on Wooyoung's shoulder, "We're in this together, remember? You can count on me, always."
San with a mischievous smirk, leaning towards Wooyoung, "How about giving me a kiss that I would never forget?"
Wooyoung: playfully knocks San's head with his fist, "What game are you plotting now, huh?"

*they stepped onto the stage, their hearts synchronized with the rhythm of the music. As the spotlight illuminated their faces, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of San, his confidante, his anchor in the storm of fame.*

Wooyoung: Whispering to San, "Let's make tonight unforgettable, San."
San: Grinning, "You got it, Wooyoung. We'll light up the stage together."

*In that fleeting moment, amidst the deafening cheers of the crowd, Wooyoung admiring san. It was a testament to the power of friendship that he didnt relaize that it could make him fall for him.. *

*As they made their way backstage, their laughter mingling with the echoes of applause, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their performance.*
San: Grinning, "That was incredible, wasn't it? The energy in the room was off the charts!"
Wooyoung: Returning San's grin, "Absolutely! We really burned it up."
San: Clapping wooyoung on the back, "You were on fire out there, wooyoung. I'm gonna fall for you fr!"
Wooyoung: Grinning, "Didn't you already fall for me ?"
San: laughing " 30% you could say"
Wooyoung: Grinning, "Only 30%? Well, I guess I'll have to work on my charm then."

Wooyoung: Feigning offense, "Too low, huh? I'll have you falling head over heels for me in no time."
San: Raising an eyebrow, "Oh, really? And how do you plan on doing that?"
Wooyoung: Leaning in with a playful glint in his eye, "Ah, now that would be telling. Let's just say, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
San: Laughing, "kiss me and I am gonna give you 100%"
Wooyoung: alright let's keep it 30%
San: Giggling, "Hey now I am kidding, don't take me too seriously. You already have 100% of my heart, Wooyoung~"
Wooyoung:Chuckling, "Woah, ! You're giving me goosebumps hyung!."
San: Grinning, "Well, what can I say? You bring out the cheesy side of me, Wooyoung. I can do this all night long ."
Wooyoung: Playfully rolling his eyes, "I'll take that as a compliment ."

*As they continued to exchange lighthearted banter, Wooyoung felt a surge of warmth fill his chest—a warmth born not just from the stage lights, but from the genuine connection he shared with San. With a playful glint in his eye, Wooyoung seized the opportunity to extend an invitation that lingered on the tip of his tongue*

Wooyoung: Leaning in conspiratorially, "You know what? I think we deserve a proper celebration tonight with the rest of the members
San: Eyes lighting up, "Sounds like a plan!"
Wooyoung : let's go~

Scene 1: Kitchen Chaos
*In the dorm kitchen, chaos ensues as the members attempt to cook dinner together*
Mingi: Grinning mischievously, "Who wants to take bets on how many dishes we are making tonight?"
Seonghwa: Rolling his eyes, "With your cooking skills, don't do anything besides washing the dishes."
Mingi: heeeyy! I am not that bad hyung!
Yunho: Holding up his Ramen, "Look what you did to my favorite ramen, Mingi. It's officially retired."
Mingi: offended, "Hey, it's not my fault the San didn't put the right amount of water"
Yunho: playfully , "Come on, Mingi. how about we have some ramen in my room later?"
Mingi: you are the only one who understands me .. let's go~"
Hongjoong: Raising an eyebrow, "Ramen in your room, huh? What's that supposed to mean, Yunho?"
Yunho: Winking to Mingi"Oh, you know, just enjoying some delicious noodles in the comfort of our own space. Nothing much..
Hongjoong: ha..?What's that suppose to mean?
Yunho :smirking ,"if you know you know"
Hongjoong: ohh I scared, both of you stay away from me

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