Shadows of Doubt

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At Ateez dorm, the morning after their amusement park outing. with members lounging around in various spots, chatting and laughing.]

Wooyoung: [Gazes out the window, lost in thought, a slight furrow in his brow.]
Jongho: [Notices Wooyoung's distant expression, walks over] Hey, Wooyoung, what's on your mind?
Wooyoung: [Startled out of his reverie] Huh? Oh, nothing, just...thinking about how I can improve in our next concert .
Jongho: [Smirks] Ah, I see. You still can't get over Yun Hee kissing San out of the blue, huh?
Wooyoung: [Blushes faintly] Wh-what? No, it's not like that. I mean... it was unexpected, but it's none of my business, right?
Jongho: [laughing] Wooyoung. I was just joking .

Wooyoung: [playfully nudging Jongho] You little jerk! Don't joke with your tongue like that.
Jongho: [grinning mischievously] Then how should I play? You know I always bring the fun.
Wooyoung: [rolling his eyes with a grin] I hate you.
Jongho: [winking] And I love you.

[San enters the room, his gaze unknowingly locking with Wooyoung's.]
San: Hey, guys. What's up?
Wooyoung: [Quickly stands up going to the kitchen trying to avoid him ]
San: [Brows furrow slightly at Wooyoung's sudden departure]

[Wooyoung hastily exits the room, leaving San slightly puzzled.]

Jongho: [Noticing San's confusion] hyung can I have a talk with you .
San: [confused]aa..alright
Jongho: [Leads San to the room he shares with Mingi] So, about yesterday... Yun Hee, huh? What was that ?
San:what about it ? I don't even wanna talk about it
Jongho: [Raises an eyebrow] You know, what if fans saw you two? It could've caused quite a gotta be careful
San: [Chuckles awkwardly]. I mean, I wasn't expecting it at all. It just... saw it too Jongho
Jongho: [Grins] You're such a reckless guy, San. Maybe she thinks that you have something for her ,do you?
San: [Rolls his eyes playfully] She is just a friend to me , Jongho. Let's just keep this between us, alright?I myself don't see her as something more than my old close friend
Jongho: [Nods] Of course.Just tell her more honestly how you feel
San: why wooyoung is trying to avoid me ?
Jongho: [Leans in closer to San, his expression serious] Talk with him, San. Maybe you'll get to know what's really going on.
San: [Raises an eyebrow] Is there something I don't know?
Jongho: [Shrugs] Maybe. You won't know until you ask.

Jongho's words hang in the air as Wooyoung and San exit the room, their steps echoing down the hallway. As they round the corner, they come face to face with each other, the weight of unspoken words heavy between them.

Wooyoung's jaw tenses as he meets San's gaze, a mixture of frustration and confusion clouding his eyes. San's expression is one of determination to talk to him

San:"Hey, Wooyoung... can we talk?" His voice is soft, yet resolute, breaking the silence that hangs between them like a heavy fog.
Wooyoung :hesitates, his mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions he can't seem to make sense of. "What for?" he finally manages to choke out, his voice strained.

San :[takes a step closer, his eyes searching Wooyoung's for any sign of vulnerability]. "Because something's not right between us, and I want to know why," he replies, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.

Wooyoung's :[defenses start to crumble as he feels the weight of San's words bearing down on him]. "It's none of your business, okay? Just drop it," he retorts, his voice laced with frustration and pain.

San :[but refuses to back down, his determination unwavering]. "It is my business, Wooyoung. You're my friend, and I can tell something's bothering you. Talk to me," he implores, his voice soft yet firm.

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