☆12/ Alliance of shadows

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Author Pov

Karnish sitting on his chair in his dungeon alone, all drenched in blood while holding a cigarette in one hand and gun in other. His gaze was fixed at the lifeless body lying there in blood bath. But his mind churned with strategy and vengeance.

He feels so right when he killed people brutally, specially when they betrayed you. This what exactly happened with Chen Parker who double crossed him. He killed him brutally and ruthlessly. For him traitor only deserve death, brutal death.

The sudden ring of his phone shattered the silence, its shrill tone cutting through the air like a fine knife. He furrowed his brow with the sight of private number.

As soon as he received a called, he heard a dark voice brooking no nonsense."Rajnandan"

Karnish's jaw clenched hearing the voice, grip tightened across the phone."Anirudh Rathore." He growled, his patience wearing him.

"Karnish, my dear rival how delightful ti hear your voice." The mocking tone of Anirudh Rathore, Karnish's most bitter rival and sole enemy. The memory of their long standing feud igniting a firestorm.

They would've holding gun on each other if they were facing each other.

Right now Karnish just wanted kill him so unmercifully that even his soul would get scared.

"What you want' Rathore?"Karnish asked or more like an order while himself down, not wanting take another curse of life on his hand.

Anirudh's dark chuckled echoed through the phone like a sinister echo making Karnish's anger rise more other side.

"I've heard you have rather special connection....to a certain young lady." Anirudh drawled, his word dripping with malice.."I've something for you. I'm sure you'll find .....fascinating."

Karnish's grip tightened across the phone, eyes darkened while veins popped out at the though of someone from his side shared this information to his sole enemy. Now there's no way that person would stay alive.

"What are you talking about?"He demanded, his voice tinged with anger.

"You'll see. I've already send it you."

"What you want?" Karnish asked smirk knowing very well that Anirudh wouldn't do any favour for free. But now he's doing unwillingly because he needs Karnish's help. This mere thought was enough to satisfied his ego.

Anirudh's chuckled darkly."People say nobody understand you better than your family and friends, but they are wrong. I would say nobody understands you better than your sole enemy, who always willing to kill you at every step, every moment.

And about wanting, I will get it what I want by hook or crook."


On other hand Ihita slipped out her car dressed all in sleeveless black jumpsuit. Her aura was screaming power and command. Anger was visible in her honey brown eyes. With her every confident and bold step her anger was rising and demanding to kill a person who dared to play with her family.

She walked inside which belong to none other than her beloved rival Karnish's.

She opened his cabin's door with 'thud' revealing the meeting which was going there.

"Everybody out."

Everyone snapped there head towards the authority of voice. Their eyes widened and jaw was touching the ground seeing the lady standing with all her glory.


Dead silenced.

Everyone could feel the thick silenced and tension. Then they looked at their boss who was sitting in his black office suit with the winning smirk playing on his lips.

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