Freezing hearts

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Y/n and the party had decided to wait the blizzard out for a month. Y/n was currently sitted in the room between Stark and Fern who seem to be having a disagreement.

"Frieren has gone to get help" Y/n said making Fern glare at him a little

"Sorry" Y/n muttered

"Y/n can't you mediate" Stark whined

"I can't be seen talking to you buddy, you'll get me in trouble too" Y/n answered. Shortly after Sein and Frieren walked in, Sein pulled Stark to the other room and shortly after called Fern in and before Y/n knew it they were fine again.


"JUST START DATING ALREADY" Sein yelled slamming his cup on the table

"Take it easy man" Y/n said, Sein and Frieren continued talking while Y/n just ate his food in silence.

"Hmmm, the steak here is really good" Y/n muttered

"Let me try some" Frieren said to him opening her mouth, understanding the message Y/n fed her the meat.

"JUST START DATING ALREADY!" Sein yelled again

"This again?" Y/n muttered


Sein had finally decided to go after Gorilla warrior.

"I guess this is bye then, see you later I guess" Y/n said keeping his goodbye short and simple.

"See you later" Frieren said. Fern asked Frieren why the goodbye was short but Frieren just explained how Sein was an adult and she didn't have to worry about him.


Y/n and Stark had just gotten back from fishing but Fern and Frieren were still asleep which was odd.....well Fern being asleep was odd Frieren isn't much of a surprise.

"Fern" Stark Called our but no response

"That's odd" Y/n said as he got closer to her he noticed she had a fever

"Wake Frieren up" Y/n said


"She has a cold" Frieren said

"Y/n don't you have a spell for cold?" Stark said

"I don't know if there's a spell for cold and even if there were I haven't had the honor of copying it yet" Y/n sighed

"I have some note Sein left behind for us, let's find somewhere warm first" Frieren said making Y/n nod.


They found a place to stay while Fern was not feeling well, the lady was nice enough to let them stay at her house. Frieren was holding onto Fern's hand to comfort her but Fern got embarrassed because Stark was there so Frieren and Stark left to get herbs for Fern leaving Y/n with her, Y/n held her hand much like Frieren did.

"Y/n-San I told you I'm not a child"

"And I told you to just call me Y/n, I guess we're both not listening to each other isn't that fair enough?"

"I know how how much I wanted someone to hold my hand whenever I was sick so I know you don't hate this" Y/n smiled

"Children aren't the only ones who need their hands held Fern, either way you're like my younger sister so there's nothing to be ashamed of" Y/n said making Fern smile.


Y/n and Frieren were having a much deserved alone time together watching the stars while Stark was looking after Fern.

Y/n went to say something but stopped himself before looking at Frieren who was watching the stars before laying her head on his shoulder. Words weren't needed their silence was plenty comfortable, it was clear they had something special.


Fern was feeling much better now it was finally time to head towards Auberest.

"Thanks for lending us a place to stay" Y/n said waving towards the nice lady as they left.


They were currently in a carriage towards Auberest, Fern was telling Frieren about one of them needed to be a first class mage to travel forward.

"It doesn't have to be me" Frieren said

"I don't think I'm strong enough to do it" Fern protested

"Can't Y/n do it, I mean you cast spells right" Stark said

"I cast spells but I'm not a mage"

"Then What are you?"

"I' I guess?"

"Fair enough"

"Besides even if I did pass the test Serie would fail me Afterwards" Y/n said

"You know Serie?" Frieren asked

" 'Know' is a light way to put it" Y/n said pouting

"Frieren-Sama why don't you just take the test even while suppressing your mana you have the mana of an experienced old mage"

"Don't call me old" Frieren pouted

"Calling her an old mage is kinda mean" Stark said

"I remember you called me an old hag too" Frieren pouted

"I'm going to sleep wake me up" Frieren said laying her head on Fern's lap before getting back up shortly.

"What's wrong?" y/n said

"I can only see half the sky" Frieren said (if you know what she meant, I'm sure you all do.)

"Huh?" Stark said

"You're better off not knowing" y/n said

"By the way Fern, mana isn't the only thing that makes a good mage, skill and technique too matters"

"I've lost to eleven mages in my life who had less mana than me"

"Four were demons, one was an elf, six of theme were humans"

"Qual was one of them right?" Fern said

"Didn't you lose to Qual too Y/n?"

"Jeez thanks for rubbing salt on my wound Fern" Y/n pouted

"How many times have you lost Y/n?"

"That......that's a secret" Y/n said

To be continued..............

(A/N: The new chapter came fashionably late but here it is, sorry for the wait guys please let me know how many times you guys think Y/n might've lost in the comments also what do you think his relationship with Serie might be? Let me know what you think.)

Fun fact: This chapter was supposed to come out yesterday with a prank that says I'm discontinuing the story then I'd say April fools but things didn't go as planned so......... also I didn't proofread so if there's any errors point them out I'll be sure to correct it.

Sosou no Frieren {Frieren X Male reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ