Twinkling stars

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"A fifth class mage or higher is required to take this test" The lady said

"Good luck Fern" Frieren said as she started walking away making Fern pull her arm and call out to her to stop but Frieren wouldn't listen

"What will we do if I fail"

"We'll hire a first class mage or travel by sea"

"That'll cost too much we won't have any money for snacks"

"I doubt this is still worth anything" Frieren said pulling out an holy emblem which Y/n recognized as a mage certificate from the old era

"Wait let me see that" Some random guy said


"I'm suprised someone still recognizes this emblem" Frieren said

"Yeah that stuff is pretty old, talk about convenience " Y/n said

"I have nothing to prove I'm a good mage" Frieren said

"What are you saying? We don't need little validations like that we are the exception. Right Y/n squad?"

"Y/n squad?" Stark questioned

"Y/n-San did you hit your head?"

"How mean"

"If It were anything we'd be more of the warriors guild"

"You're the only warrior here you rat" Y/n complained

"Y/n San is right about that, besides we'd be better off as the wonderlanders"

"Okaaey Buttercup" Y/n teased, Frieren watched in silence as three of them began fighting like little kids

"Besides we know you're a great mage" Y/n said to Frieren making Fern and Stark nod in agreement

"Hmm, I know" Frieren said smiling at them

"Too cute" Y/n thought


Frieren and Fern were studying at a library while Y/n was planning a little surprise for Frieren since it's her birthday.

"Hmmmm"Y/n was currently struggling with what to get Frieren for her birthday he made it a point not to get her any piece of jewelry as he had done that before, he also wanted to give her something that she would find useful

"What can I get her?"

"Who?" The random guy sitting across from Y/n at the bar asked

"My Friend, it's her birthday soon and I want to get her something that's not jewelry"

"Just get her something that might need replacement that she uses frequently"

"That's it, You're a genius I'd kiss you but I don't swing that way"

"Personally I'd prefer if you don't too"

"Right right sorry I got too excited"


"Happy birthday Frieren" Y/n, Stark and Fern wished her

"Thanks" Frieren said as she walked over to the large cake and blew out the candles on top

"What did you wish for?" Y/n said

"It's a secret" Frieren said to him

"Let's eat some cake" Fern said


They spent the day together just eating cake and talking it was evening at this point. Both Stark and Fern had given Frieren her birthday gift this leaves Y/n and although she didn't ask directly she knew he understood she was asking for her gift through mere eye contact.

"Frieren, walk with me" Y/n said standing up and heading outside making Frieren follow him.

They both walked for a bit it had gotten later by this point and stars were already out.

"It's really pretty, not as pretty as you tho" Y/n said smiling looking up at the stars Frieren just looked at him not saying a word making the white haired boy chuckle

"Was that too much?"Y/n asked but Frieren just nodded 'no'

"I'm glad then"

"Let's sit" Frieren said pulling Y/n's hand as they both sat down close to each other.

"You're right the stars are pretty" Frieren said resting her head on Y/n's shoulders

"Do it Y/n"

"Frieren, I uhmm"

"Hm? What is it?" Frieren said looking into Y/n's eyes making him gulp

"C'mon Y/n you got this!"

"I got you this scarf, hehe happy birthday!"


Frieren took the scarf from Y/n's hand admiring the white floral pattern on it

"It's beautiful, I love it"

"I'm glad you do" They both sat in silence for a little bit before Frieren hugged Y/n


"I heard you back then, when you said you wish you could hug me"(Chap 4: 50 shades of Y/n)

"E-Eh?" Y/n said still shocked that Frieren was hugging him, after a little bit he calmed down and hugged her back.

"This is nice" Y/n said pulling Frieren closer he could smell how nice she smelt and how her hair had a faint whiff of strawberry from her shampoo

"I agree this is quite nice" Frieren said burying her head in Y/n's chest and they stayed like that just enjoying the warmth of each other


"You guys got this" Y/n cheered on Frieren and Fern as they left for their first class mage examination

"What'll we do while they are gone" Stark said

"You can do whatever, I'm going to see someone"

"Oh is it a girl? I'm telling Frieren"

"Shut up, blab about this and I'll be having Stark stew for dinner"

"Y-yes sir"

"Good, see you later, Be home by 10 pm"

"I'm not a kid!"


Y/n walked into what looked like a little garden

"You were never good with flowers, it made giving you some a pain you know that?"

"I never asked you to give me flowers Y/n"

"You always looked good in white"

"You always looked good half dead"

"Cut me some slack"

"The only cut you deserve is to be cut into piece you stupid demon"

"Talk about spiteful"

"Like you're not the one at fault"

"Alright alright you win Serie"

To be continued...........

(A/n: Oh God here I go again, sorry the chapter took so long i didn't know where to even approach writing this chapter from but alas this is the chapter I hope you enjoy. During the first class mage exam they had 2 months to prepare one of the days during those 2 months was Frieren birthday you can rewatch the episode to confirm idk which day it was as it wasn't stated and I'm too lazy to look it up but this chapter was about that)

Also if there's anywhere I made error with anything pls do point it out and I'll make sure to correct it, I did not proofread.

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