05-Mar-2024 | Hesitate

34 2 1

It's just a little update for you all today,
as I'm absolutely terrified with this new book I'm writing. 

I've been writing TMF, my new romance novel, off Wattpad. I'm drafted it, outlined it, created a cover, blurb, and a timeline. I'm 40,000 words in and I'm so scared. I'm enjoying writing, the dialogue is making me smile, and I know that the main character is a reflection of me - where she's so in her own head, her anxieties. She's at the end of her rope and just needs something to keep her grounded as she continues with her career - like how being creative is my lifeline with how heavy my life is becoming at the moment. 

And with that, like, I'm excited by this book. I like where it is going, I like the world I'm building, the depth of these characters, and I'm enjoying being 'back in the saddle', as it were. 

But I'm terrified uploading it to Wattpad. 

I was uploading and writing Luna Eclipse and I was having so much fun with it, when it was stolen and uploaded off-site. I lost my motivation. I lost my drive for it. Having a work you treasure stolen from you, and those thieves just waiting for the next chapter, completely put me off finishing the story. I was so exhausted - and I've not written a chapter of Luna Eclipse since. 

I don't want TMF to be stolen, I don't want to lose my motivation when I start to upload it chapter by chapter. 

I had to catch myself from announcing in a post how far I was in my project today, how many chapters I was in, because I was worried that I'd jinx it, almost. I've done that these past few years - promised to come back writing, and then the motivation has faded. 

I don't want that with TMF. I want to write this story, I want to finish it, without the fear of it being taken from me. 

So, I need to finish writing it before I upload it - which makes it easier for you all, being that you can have the whole book knowing it's completed, that it's all set up. It'll probably be weekly uploads again because that system worked out really well for Typhoon & Tempest, and it worked for me as well. 

But TMF...I'm trying, I'm trying so hard. I'm in a better space now, I'm on the mend, I'm getting there, and I know the first few chapters of it are going to be rough because I'm just getting back in the groove of how I write again, after accidentally having a year off from it. 

If there's going to be any updates, I'll post them in the Forum Book here. But other than that, you'll be notified of my new novel when I complete it - which I'm on track to do, and I want to stay on track. 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll finish it - and when I upload it, it's not going to be stolen. Because I think that'll be the final straw for me with Wattpad. If they can't protect my stories, they don't deserve them uploaded here. I would, instead, self-publish any new novels and that way you can still have them too; including any sequels. 

So, that's my update for now. I'm on track, I'm doing better. I'm writing a romance novel, and it'll be with you next. 

I miss you all - what are you reading at the moment? I'd love to know. 

With love, 

Libby x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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