Mall shopping surprise! Trumpet appears!

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After the criminal was captured and interrogated for any information to where Trumpet was hiding. They didn't get much and the tablet device was being looked into by the police to find out more about it. They found out it was a some sort of journal he was writing in. Something about a project he was working on to help the league of villains. They couldn't find much more about it after it blocked them off on places they can't access to. As for Deku and the others they were told to standby for further information. So they went back to Shiketsu to rest up.

Seiji: A project?
Grand Torino: That's all we could find for now. Will find out more about and the criminal if he decides to open his mouth later on.
Deku: But now I wonder what is this project they are working on?
Fat Gum: Whatever it is we got to stop this project from being finished.
Grand Torino: For now you youngsters be ready for tomorrow got it.
Everyone: Yes sir!

(Back at Shiketsu 1A dorm)
Inasa: Man you were awesome out there. Not bad for your first day out here right?
Izuku: Today was a too easy. But I know will be facing tougher challenges in the future. So like Grand Torino said be ready for anything.
Inasa: You can say that again haha!
Izuku: Plus thank you and others for giving me a tour around more the city.
Inasa: Not a problem.(Stomach growling)
Inasa: Like they say. Being a hero can make you hungry for it. I know a great place where we can eat. Care to join me?
Izuku: Alright lead the way.

A couple days went by and Izuku and the others continued to look for more criminals and villains to know anything about Trumpet's location. But still nothing yet. But they are also wondering what this mysterious project he is working on still. They still don't know how much time they have left on whatever the project Trumpet's working on. So it is a race against time.

(The 3rd day)

Izuku: WOW this mall is huge?!Camie: Since we have been working hard for a few days I say we should reward ourselves

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Izuku: WOW this mall is huge?!
Camie: Since we have been working hard for a few days I say we should reward ourselves.
Izuku: This mall reminds me of the street mall back at home.
Inasa: That mall is so awesome there! Compared to this mall this one is neck and neck with each other!
Mora: Camie why don't you and Seiji take Midoriya around the place. Yoarashi and myself will be heading to a great Otaku shop Inasa was been eyeing on lately.
Inasa: I've been waiting for latest update on the manga series I've been into so much! Come on let's go I want to see if it's there!
Mora: Hold your horses top first year we're going.
Inasa: I can't wait anymore I gotta find it!(Runs out of here)
Mora: Hey wait up! I'll see you all back at the mall entrance!(runs after him)
Camie: Later you two.

Camie, Seiji, and Izuku were all enjoying the mall together and shop a few things along the way. Everything was going great for them. They ended up sitting outside of the mall to in joy the nice weather.

Seiji: I'll be using the restroom real quick.
Camie: Same for me. Midoriya can you watch our bags real quick.
Izuku: Sure thing.

(Izuku was left alone for a little bit then suddenly a mysterious person appeared out of nowhere)

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