chapter 8

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Readers pov:-

Rose walked inside to see her dad smoking a cigar standing next to the window looking mad

And her mom on the couch waiting for her

Rose walks up to her mom "so what happened? " she asked almost in a whisper

"He agreed that you keep the cat.. " her mom said

"The reason why he argued in the beginning is bc, well you know your father... " her mom lowers her voice "when he gets drunk, he doesn't make any sense, just don't bring up the topic anymore.
And try to stay out of his sight for now"
Her mom smiles

Rose nods thanking her mom.
She walks up to her room and ends up sleeping the whole night with her cat in her arms

Fast forward... The weekend.

Reggina and rose made a plan they'd go shopping at a near by mall,
Since rose didn't have her licence and her dad was too busy to care to drop her off.

Reggina had to pick her up.

(At the mall)

Rose and Reggina went around shopping when reggina brought up something "hey do you think we should take a look at the prom dresses? " she asked

"Prom is still in a month or twooo" rose said

"Oh come on it won't hurt" she said as they were standing outside one of the cloths shops in the mall.

Reggina was about to turn around to enter the shop when she noticed something or... Somebody.. Out of the corner of her eyes,

Reggina quickly turns to rose "okay change of plan, I don't want to shop for prom dresses any more. " reggina said a bit annoyed

Rose seemed confused but as she also spotted Sunny in the distance she understood why
"I thought you and sunny were cool now" rose said

"No wayyy he won't even apologize" reggina scoffed

"Reg he only means good for you come on we've talked about this." Rose said trying to convince her

"Don't piss me off. " reggina snapped coldly

"Alright jeez.. " rose said now backing off until she spotted Dan in the ice cream shop inside the mall.

She had to go say hi to Dan.

Because it's Dan!! You know??

"Alright then, you think about it I'll go say hi to Dan he's over there" rose said gesturing

"Wait I'll come with. " reggina said quickly not wanting to be left alone when sunny is around because they might start a fight again.

Rose nodded as they both headed towards Dan.
He still didn't notice them yet.

"Dannn!! " rose beamed approaching and waving

"Rose!! " Dan turned around with a smile, seeming happy he had run into her again.

they shook hands, and Dan turned to reggina

"Hi! " he smiled and then raised his eyebrow noticing the frown on regginas face.
"You good?? " Dan asked clueless.
Before anyone could say anything else someone came and Inturupted

He hadn't noticed reggina was there.

"Yo Dan this guy totally looks like you" sunny said grinning holding up a comic that's been opened on one of the pages, with a hideous person on it.
Sunny's grin quickly turned into a frown, the sides of his mouth quickly twitching downwards as he realizes reggina is right there.

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