Broken Facade

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   As I went to move my hand under his waistband, I was caught off by Vincent taking my shirt off, leaving me in the tank top underneath. He bit my shoulder, and I winced again. I hesitated, but then decided that since he took mine off, I could try to take off his. As I went to slip off his shirt, he stopped biting my shoulder, and looked up at me. I looked back at him, slightly confused, but then slipped it off fully. I looked down at his torso, and noticed the scarring, scratches, and burns. I froze for a moment, wanting to say something, but before I could fully react, he sat up, his body against mine, skin to skin almost, and bit my neck again hard. He moved himself against me, and I groaned at the friction, and placed one of my hands gently on his side. He slid his hand down from my chest to the front of my pants, and unzipped my fly.

   I felt my face grow warm, and the blood dripping from my neck, but I couldn’t care less at the moment. He pulled both my pants and boxers down a bit, just enough to reach my member. He wrapped his cold hand around it, and started jerking it off hard. I moaned in pleasure, enjoying it severely, and melting into his touch. As he licked and sucked on my neck more, I felt myself get closer, and closer to my limit. I felt embarrassed, as it hadn’t even been that long since this had started, and I was already at that point. My hand tightened on his side a bit, and arched into his hand, as the feeling started to rise. “V-Vin- I-I-” Before I could even warn him, I cried out in pleasure, and arched into his hand way more.

   I buried my face into his shoulder, catching my breath a bit. He stopped sucking on my neck for a moment, then pushed me back, pinning me so my back was against the arm rest. I looked at him, afraid I upset him, but then he kissed me again. He ignored the fact that I had even climaxed, and went back to biting my lips and exploring my mouth once more. I put my hands on either side of his torso, and deepened the kiss as well. I heard him unzip his own pants, and noticed him pull them down, and throw them to the side, as well as mine. He then inserted two fingers, and started moving them. While he did, he lost focus on the kiss, concentrating on what he was doing. His expression seemed to be mixed with uncomfortableness, but focused combined. I watched a bit, unsure what to do in this situation. I’ve never had sex with a man before, am I supposed to be helping him, or doing something else in this kind of situation-?? I went to massage his lower back, but then he looked at me, glaring. “Don’t.” He muttered. I listened, and kept my hands on his sides.

   The more he continued, the more off balance he seemed on his knees. I gently pulled him against myself, his face buried into my shoulder, and his hot breath on my neck, that smelled now of blood. The more I felt his breath on my neck, the more aroused it made me. After a few more moments, he stopped, and adjusted his position. He held onto my shoulders a bit, and then slid himself down onto me. He again made soft noises, while I made the majority of them. I let go of my shoulders, and cupped my face in his hands, proceeding to kiss me again. I couldn’t tell if I was doing anything right, with this facade he kept up. He started moving, riding fast, and a bit hard, but not too hard. I moaned into the kiss multiple times, and accidentally bucked up into it a couple times. Each time I did, a louder noise escaped from his lips. 



   I loved the taste of him, he tasted divine, it drove me mad. As I continued, I felt his hands on my waist. A bit confused, I went to break the kiss. He then lifted me up, but not completely off, and pushed me back down. I cried out in pleasure, accidentally letting it out, and grabbed onto his shoulders tightly, as a reflex. I could feel my hold on myself slipping, and it sent shivers through my body. Catching my breath a bit, I shot a glare at him. My head hung low, my hair was making it hard to get a good look at him. “Rod-” He lifted me up again, and slammed me down quickly again. I cried out in pleasure way louder, and dug my nails into his shoulders, shivering and shaking from how much ecstasy sparked through my body. I noticed a slight smirk form on his face, and he did it many more times. I held onto him as tightly as I could, losing self restraint. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, my throat feeling raw from the sheer amount of noise I was making. I was a complete and utter mess. 

   I felt the knot in my stomach start to form, and I was starting to struggle to even make noises, panting and gasping for air. “F-Fu-ck, Rod-y~!!!!” I cried in pleasure, seriously losing my grip. Within mere seconds, I lost it completely, and reached my limit, him reaching his not long after, holding me down as he did. He rested his head on my shoulder, and I kept mine in the crook of his neck. Exhausted, my eyes slowly started to close, then finally shut, as I drifted into sleep.



   As I caught my breath, I noticed the grip Vincent had on me loosen. I glanced at him, and saw him asleep, his breaths sounding harsh and rough. I could kill him.. Right here, right now. Even with my bare hands, make him pay, make him feel as much pain or more pain that Mannon did… Or any others he may have done it to.. I continued to look at him, and gently moved my hand up and down his back. I carefully lifted him off of me, and got up, holding him against myself. He was rather light, and was still severely cold. I walked to the bathroom, and bathed us both.

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