Charlie Spring

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I came home with some sort of anger and sadness at the same time. I have been feeling this for the last few days, probably because one: I have feelings for a straight friend, and two: The bullying has gone worse, and i think that it has really effected my life. I mean i dont eat normal, and i have been cutting myself again. I dont know whats wrong with me. I skipped diner again and went to bed. Hoping that tomorow will be soon over. When the sun rose again, i got out of bed and skipped breakfast, again. Then put on my uniform, and walked to school. When i stepped into form, Nick was already there. I said 'Hi.' with a very tired voice.
'Hi,' He said back happily 'Did you hear?'
'About what?' I asked confused,
'About Harry Greenes Ball this saterday, for his bithday. You going?'
'Well i was invited, but that isnt realy my place,'
'Please come, i realy want you to be
there. All my friends are dickheads, and i dont wanna spend a whole evening with them.'
'Uhmm yeah, ok ill come.' I said a bit more awake.
Then the lesson began and we stopped talking. When the lesson ended i went to the lunch tables outside. There were Tao Xu and Aled Last talking.
'Hey.' I said
'Hey.' They said at the same time
'How are you?' Tao asked 'You havent eaten lunch with us in a few days.'
'Been eating with Nick i guess,' Aled said very calm taking a bite of his sandwich
'Aled!' Tao said in whisper,
'What do you mean?' Aled said back, stil eating the sandwich.
'Its ok, realy.' I said fast 'He invited me to Harrys 16th bithday Ball in a hotel.'
'Rich boy Harrys party?!' Tao said
'Uhmm yeah,'
'Thats great!' Aled said with a light smile
'Yeah well i gotta go. I have class soon.' I said. And then i left. When that class was over, i waited for Tori to walk home with her.
'So how was your day?' She asked
'Uhmm well,' I said with a light smile
'Did you talk to Nick?'
'Yeah i did.'
'What did he say,'
'He invited me to Harrys bithday Ball this saterday.' I said
'Rich boy Harrys party? That homofobic boy that bullies you!' She said almost screaming.
'Uhmm yeah,'
'And what did you say?'
'I said yes, i mean i said no first, but then he said he realy wanted me to be there, because his friends are dicks. And he didnt want to spend the whole night with them.' I said
'Sounds like he realy likes you,' she said smiling
'No he doesnt, were just friend.'
'Im serious hes straight.'
'Yup defenetley straight.' Then it was silent for a few minutes,
'Shut up,' I say
'I didnt say anything.'
Then we walked in to the house, and Oliver came running to us. He must have thought that i was with Nick. Because me and Tori never walk home together,
'Hey Oliver, how was your day?' Tori asked him,
'Well i made a new friend and we played marbles together!'
'That sounds fun!'
'Well yeah it was realy fun!' He said
Then i went upstairs, and went to bed, because i didnt feel well. After two hours Tori woke me up to go eat. After diner i  made my homework. And when i was done, i went to bed again.

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