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I had never been much of a drinker, much less a day drinker, but I had just called a really cute and probably decent girl indirectly a slut and had blown away any chance I had with her.

That required a bottle of vodka. Or four of them.

I had just opened the fifth bottle when Dominic entered my cabin with his eyes sharp as a glass.

"What the hell have you been doing?" he snapped, snatching the bottle away from me.

"A really hot girl wanted to have sex with me but I called her a slut and turned her down out of 'decency' but I think I really liked her,"

"You think?" he put an arm around me and helped me get to my feet. "Jeez, who the hell is-" he paused midsentence as he realized who she was. "Are you sure the alcohol was to drown your sorrows and not your pain?"

"What pain?"

"You called Ruth Diaz a slut. I don't see any bullet wounds but I don't want to start celebrating your health just yet."

"She didn't hurt me," I clarified, holding on to the table for more support and apparently my words made him curse. "Are you actually upset that she didn't hurt me?"

He looked at me for a second before saying. "I'll have someone drive you home. I swear if you pull this kind of shit again, I'll kill you."

"You mean insulting a girl or drinking vodka during office hours?"

"Both," and with that final word, he shoved me out of my cabin into the arms of my assistant.

Drake handled me just like any assistant would handle their boss; in a rough vengeful way, looking forward to making me pay in the hopes of the alcohol erasing my memory.

I let him push me into a car and drive me back to my home, but before we reached, I passed out.

I was lying face down on my bed. My shirt was gone and I was covered by a thin blanket on my back.

"So, you're finally awake!" a voice came from the doorway. Shielding my eyes from the blinding light, I turned to sound. I had to blink several times before I was able to take in the form of Ruth.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice hoarse to my own ears.

"Dante told me about your rogue drinking. We have a meeting early tomorrow so I figured I should check in on you, and make sure you wake up in time tomorrow."

"How did you get in?" I decided to focus on the important question, rising to my feet.

"I told the receptionist that you and I had hooked up three years ago in a club and I got pregnant and had been searching for you all this time. Then I showed her a picture of mine with a little boy who had your eyes and hair and she got convinced,"

"And she believed that?"

"Geez, no. I didn't even say that. She knew me. I am Ruth Diaz. I have been here to meet many business partners. Sorry for breaking your door by the way."

That finally made me jump to my feet. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

She crossed her arms and leaned against the door with a smirk playing on her face. I waited a second for her to explain herself before I realized for good that half my clothes were missing.

"Did you-did we-?"

"No, don't worry I didn't take advantage of you in your drunken state," she mused.

I exhaled, holding my head in my hands.

"Get back to sleep, Walker. I got you some non-caffeinated painkillers that ought to help you out,"

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