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The air crackled with a nervous energy usually reserved for pop quizzes. Lunchtime buzzed with a different kind of excitement today. Sarah, usually perched on her throne at the center table, held court by the vending machines, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness. Keera's stomach churned – the topic of her animated conversation was none other than Iñigo Lee.

"Honestly, he's practically royalty," Sarah gushed, perfectly manicured nails tapping a manic rhythm against the metal machine. "His family practically owns half the school!"

Her posse, a gaggle of girls who seemed to materialize whenever Sarah held court, hung on to her every word. Keera couldn't help but eavesdrop, her tray a flimsy shield against the sting of their laughter.

"So, Sarah, what's the plan?" one of the girls, Tiffany, with her perfectly highlighted blonde hair and a nose job that looked suspiciously recent, purred. "How are you going to snag him?"

A slow, predatory smile spread across Sarah's face. "Patience, Tiffany, patience. A conquest this exquisite requires finesse. Besides," she lowered her voice, a conspiratorial glint in her eyes, "imagine the social cred! Dating Iñigo Lee would practically make me Agora High royalty."

Keera's blood ran cold. It wasn't just about popularity for Sarah, it was about power. Dating Iñigo would be like wearing a crown, a symbol of her dominance, a way to appease her parents' insatiable hunger for status. A vision of Keera's public humiliation on the classroom screen flashed in her mind, and a surge of defiance replaced the cold dread.

Suddenly, the bell shrieked, shattering the tense quiet. Keera gathered her tray, her steps were purposeful as she navigated the crowd of students toward the library. Her haven, usually a sanctuary of dusty novels and the comforting silence of forgotten lore, felt strangely charged today.

As she pushed open the heavy oak doors, a figure hunched over a computer in the far corner caught her eye. It was Iñigo, his brow furrowed in concentration, a stray lock of his moonlit hair falling across his forehead. He looked up as she approached, a startled flicker in his eyes that quickly softened into a polite smile.

"Hi," she started, her voice uncharacteristically shy. "I'm Keera. You must be Iñigo."

He stood smoothly, towering over her like a redwood. "Indeed," he replied, his voice a smooth baritone. "And you are...?"

"Keera," she repeated, forcing a smile. Up close, his eyes were a mesmerizing storm cloud gray, flecked with flecks of gold. "Welcome to Agora High."

An awkward silence stretched between them, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the fluorescent lights. She fumbled for something to say, anything to break the tension.

"So, Germany, huh?" she blurted out, immediately cringing at the silliness of the question.

A surprised laugh escaped his lips, a welcome sound that banished the awkwardness. "Ja," he replied, the single German word rolling off his tongue like a caress. "But please, call me Iñigo. Everyone does."

They talked for what felt like hours, about books and music, about his life in Frankfurt, and her love for writing. He was surprisingly easy to talk to, his humor dry and witty, his smile genuine. But beneath the surface, Keera sensed a guardedness, a hint of melancholy that lingered in his eyes.

As the final dismissal bell chimed, casting long shadows across the library floor, a pang of regret sliced through her. Keera, the self-proclaimed champion of the unnoticed, was actually enjoying spending time with the most talked-about boy in school.

"Well," Iñigo said, gathering his things, "this was...unexpectedly pleasant. Perhaps we could do it again sometime?"

Her heart did a little skip at his invitation. But before she could answer, a voice, dripping with saccharine venom, slithered into their conversation.

"Having fun, Keera?" Sarah purred, her perfectly manicured nails tapping a familiar, impatient rhythm. "Didn't realize you were such a social butterfly."

The air crackled with unspoken tension. Iñigo's gaze darted between Sarah and Keera, a flicker of something – confusion? Displeasure? – crossing his face.

Keera's throat tightened. Would Iñigo fall for Sarah's obvious ploy, leaving her exposed and vulnerable once again? She needed a response, a way to subtly warn him without making herself seem paranoid.

"Actually," she said, forcing a lightness to her voice, "we were just discussing the new Hemingway exhibit at the museum. They have a first edition copy of 'The Sun Also Rises' – fascinating stuff."

It was a complete lie, of course, but hopefully plausible enough. Iñigo's brows furrowed slightly, a flicker of recognition passing through his eyes. Was he familiar with Hemingway? More importantly, did he understand her veiled warning?

Sarah's smile faltered for a brief moment, a tiny crack in her usually flawless facade. "Hemingway, huh?" she drawled, her voice dripping with condescension. "Sounds thrilling. Maybe Iñigo needs a guide to the finer points of literature."

The emphasis on "Iñigo" hung heavy in the air, a clear attempt to mark her territory. Iñigo, however, seemed oblivious to the power struggle brewing around him.

"Perhaps," he said with a polite smile. His gaze flickered back to Keera, a silent question lingering in his stormy gray eyes. Did he see through Sarah's charade, or was Keera just projecting her own paranoia?

Before Keera could decipher his expression, the library doors clattered open, admitting a gaggle of Sarah's posse. Their arrival was perfectly timed, a calculated move to tighten her grip on the situation.

"Sarah!" Tiffany trilled, batting her heavily mascaraed eyelashes. "We've been waiting for you. Movie night at our place tonight?"

Sarah's smile reappeared, as sharp and polished as her diamond earrings. "Sounds perfect, Tiff. Iñigo, why don't you join us?"

A flicker of surprise flitted across Iñigo's face. This was it. The moment of truth. Would he accept Sarah's invitation, falling into the carefully laid trap, or would he sense the underlying power play and decline?

A slow smile spread across Iñigo's face, but it wasn't directed at Sarah. Instead, his gaze held Keera's captive, a silent conversation passing between them in the blink of an eye.

"Movie night, huh?" he mused, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down Keera's spine. "Actually, I had something else in mind."

Sarah's smile faltered, a flicker of uncertainty replacing her usual practiced confidence. "Like what?" she pressed, her voice laced with a hint of threat.

Iñigo's smile widened, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "There's a hidden gem of a bookstore downtown," he explained, his gaze lingering on Keera for a beat too long. "They specialize in first editions. Care to join, Keera?"

Sarah bristled, her perfectly manicured nails digging into her palms. This wasn't how the script was supposed to go. Iñigo, the golden boy, was supposed to be putty in her hands, not charmed by the likes of Keera.

Taking a deep breath, Keera met Sarah's icy stare head-on. "I'd love to," she declared, her voice surprisingly steady. "First editions and hidden bookstores sound infinitely more interesting than another night of popcorn and teen rom-com."

The library held its breath. Sarah's posse exchanged nervous glances, their carefully constructed facade crumbling under the weight of the unexpected turn of events. Iñigo, on the other hand, threw his head back and laughed, a rich, genuine sound that filled the room.

"Excellent choice," he said, extending an arm towards Keera. "Then shall we?"

As they walked out of the library, leaving Sarah and her posse fuming in their wake, a thrill of excitement coursed through Keera.

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