"Dominate or be dominated?"

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[I just hit 100 followers and what's a great way to celebrate the event? A lemon chapter! Which is what today's chapter is! Strap in folks it about to get wild!]

[The episode starts out with a dream Y/N's dream it was a dark wet place where you wouldn't expect a normal person to dream about but, "Normal" can be many things. Like a pale women with rosy cheeks and blonde hair assuring you "Everything's going to be alright!"
Or you having an intense make out session with a woman with an X over her eye. But the only thing you've been familiar with in your eons of life is being alone. The nightmare you keep having is coming to the conclusion of you were deemed unworthy of love the moment you were created.]

???: "You can't fight it can you?" [Whispers] "Give into your fear." [Growls] "You can't win." [Screams] "Only together can we save your world!" [Cries] "He lies HE LIES!" [Laughs] "You chose this path? What's wrong?"

[For it wasn't the victims of the atrocities, for It was yourself that reminds you of what you have done. And how poisons the people around you.]

Y/N: "I regret nothing! I only do what I do to secure a greater tomorrow for my people!"

???: "Where are they now? DEAD! The truth you were destined to fail, destined to be alone."

[Theres only so much you could take only so many Burdens to bear before you collapse.]

Y/N: "Please... leave me alone!"

???: "Only if you tell her what you have done the crimes you have committed. The blood that has been spilled."

[The next scene shows Charlie's bedroom as a figure can be seen getting out of bed.]

Y/N: [Stands up] "This isn't my bed? This isn't my room? This isn't my... [Picks up a tentacle] "The fuck is this? A plastic tentacle? With a suction cup on the end of it? A SUCTION CUP?! WHAT THE FUCK!!" [Starts gagging] "Eww I touched it! Fuck this shit where's my pants?"

???: [Laughs] "Right here~"

Y/N: "Thank you!" [A grim look appears on your face as you realize someone else is in the room]

[Pink chain made out of hearts caught you by your ankle dragging you under the covers of the bed. When you opened your eyes you could see Vaggie and Charlie giving each other mischievous looks.]

Y/N: "Let me guess? You dragged me into your room while I was sleeping?"

Charlie: "Correct!"

Y/N: "And that tentacle thi-"

Vaggie: "Also Correct!"

Y/N: "Let me guess? Horny?"

[They both nod in agreement quickly as you three all nowhere this is going.]

Y/N: "Alright! Who's bottom gonna be bottom first!"

[Three pink chains then wrap around the rest of your limbs, giving you your answer.]

Y/N (Right now):

Charlie: "Shhhh~" [Puts a finger over Y/N's lips] "You're lucky you know that? Once every month I have this ohhh so amazing sex drive and... it's just making me wet thinking about it~" [Winks towards Vaggie]

Vaggie: [Grabs a ball gag] "I've always found woman attractive Y/N but... there's just something about you that magnetizes me towards you! [Starts to run her fingers up your body] "Is it your body?" [Nods her head] "Is it that face of yours?" [Nods her head] "Is it..." [Her eyes then widen with a grin appearing on her face] "It's that charming "I can't hit a woman" bullshit! All my life men have just been mindless vassals for a greater power! But you you're sweet! Kind! And most importantly, cute as hell."

Charlie: "We aren't asking much of you just a piece, time, and your undivided attention."

Y/N [Thoughts]: "Ok this bitch really wants me. I'm gonna give her a reason not to. 3...2....1... Transform!"

[As Y/N thought of one word "Transform" Charlie and Vaggie were immediately Cascaded in a blue light that momentarily stunned them.]

Vaggie: [Rubs her eyes] "Damn you Y/N." [Regains vision] "Ooh what have we here?"

Charlie: [Starts shaking] "Vaggie look at those long tentacles..."

Vaggie: [Licks lips] "Have you seen his tong?! Rawr!"

[Charle then closely got to where your ear was in your human form.]

Charlie [Whisper]: "You thought this would turn us off? You were wrong."

Y/N: "I just have one request before we do this! No ball gag? Please?"

Charlie: "Ok but understand this we don't stop until I say so!"

Y/N: "Show me what you got princess~"

[As you said that the Charlie immediately took out the 12 inches of meat you've been concealing from them this whole time.]

[Before you knew it you were inside Charlie's pussy. As the moans turned into screams the innocent woman you once knew, turned out to be the "Devil in disguise" (ELVIS PRESLEY 1963.]



Vaggie: "Charlie 2 on 1?"

Charlie: "2 ON 1 OHHHHHHH!"

[As the moans of Charlie could be heard throughout the hotel Vaggie decided the next best thing from your dick, is your face, because Next thing you know she put her glistening wer vagina over your mouth for your tong to do its job.]

Vaggie: "Oh it's not SO BAAAAAD!"

Y/N [Thoughts]: "It appears I found her G spot! What's weird is her pussy tastes a lot like lutes!Strange?"

Y/N [Muffled]: "I'm gonna cu-"

Vaggie / Charlie: "US TOOO!"

[As soon as the confirmation was said an eruption of sweet juices overwhelmed your face and cock, giving you the idea that you all cummed at the same time.]

Vaggie and Charlie: [Panting] "That was AMAZING!!"


Charlie: [Giggles] "Hey Y/N You up for round two?"

[As she said that you immediately put both of your thumbs up signifying your eagerness. For round two.]


[Round 71 (MrTLexify reference) what a number. You knew you enjoyed this, but what you didn't know is that every time your body experienced massive amounts of emotions in a short time. It would set out a beacon. To whatever and whoever was connected to the dark aether.]

Brutus: "Your general is waiting my lord..."

[The scene then changes to the dark Aether (Post Tag Der Toten) as a creature similar to you emerges from a destroyed building.]

???: "Ahh, It's been such a long time, old friend let the reunion commence!"

[The scene, then fades to black as a growl could be heard from the creature that is of kin to you.]

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