Chapter III : Words in Bloom

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As we arrived home Charles assisted me to get inside the house and he got the chance to meet my mom. Mom insisted Charles to stay for a while and have a cup of tea. My mom chatted Charles and  asked some questions. “Charles what’s your relationship with Charlotte?”, I got nervous when mom asked about relationship so I answered “Were just friends you heard me right mom F-R-I-E-N-D-S, friends”. Charles reacted and said “that’s right were just friends”. I am so relieved after hearing it from him and hearing him laugh made me more comfortable around him.

It is almost dusk so Charles decided to go home. “Thank you so much Mrs. Everhart, it was nice talking to you” Charles said. Walking with him in his car I thanked Charles again for helping me and I said “Drive safe Charles and see you at school”. Before he got inside his car he looked me in the eyes and smiled. I blushed staring in his eyes. Then he left.

Later that night I receive a message saying “I arrived home safely” so I checked the message who it came from but it was only a number. So I texted back “Who is this?”, then the number replied quickly and said “Oh its me Charles, I got your number from the cafe and I just want to thank for the wonderful time with your mom I had a great time”. So I replied back saying “ It’s nothing you can come and visit here if you want”.

That night was amazing, I couldn’t sleep and love is just flowing in my heart.
. I saw my face in the reflection of my phone and I saw a smile that I never seen before. Love is really up to something.

In the morning I quickly get ready because I overslept and I came to school in time. As the class starts I looked at the window and slightly glanced at Charles and he notice that I was looking at him so he smiled. Suddenly my teacher called me to answer her question, “Ms. Everhart, how can you define love?”. “ For me Love  is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. It is the quiet understanding and mutual confidence, shared respect and shared joys—an invisible thread that binds people together through the tapestry of life, ever-interwoven with moments of tenderness, laughter, and kindness.” I answered.

Well said Ms. Everhart, how about you Mr.Smith define love. “ Love is an intangible yet powerful force, a profound connection that weaves into the fabric of our being. It's the pull that draws us to another person, a bond that deepens over shared moments and grows through understanding and mutual respect. Love is both gentle and fierce, expressing itself in the quiet moments just as much as in grand gestures. It's the promise wrapped in a gaze, the dedication found in small gestures, and the infinite universe existing in the union of two hearts.” Charles answered. Very good and well said Mr. Smith.

Hearing those words from Charles made me happy because I never see his other side when talking with love. Recess time, Charles came to me and asked. “Are you free after classes? ”, “Yeah, why? ” I replied. Charles said “great can you accompany me later?”. “Sure I’m gladly to accompany  you” I answered.

After classes Charles invited me to buy some ice creams and we went to the park. We sat on the swing and talked. Um Charlotte what was the reason why you started working  at a very young age, Charles said. “Well you can see my situation right, when dad was still alive I already insist them to let me work because I want to earn and help my family” I answered. By the way Charles what was the reason you moved here at England. “The reason why I moved here is because I was not accepted in my school”. He replied.

“Charlotte based from what you answered from the question about love have you experienced being loved by someone?” Charles said. “Actually I never experienced dating or being loved by someone”, I answered. “Well that’s new to hear.” Charles replied. “Wait have you been dating back in France?” I asked. “HAHAHAHA of-course but it didn’t last long” Charles answered. We both laughed and he asked me a serious question. “Charlotte by any chance are you open for a relationship?”. “What kind of question is that but I am not sure yet if I am ready” I said. Charles just nodded.

[As the sun sets their faces are illuminated by the soft sunlight filtering through the trees]

Charles: [Nervously fidgeting with his hands and his heart pounding in his chest]
Charlotte, I know that you are not ready for a relationship but when we first met in the cafe as our eyes glanced at each other I felt something in me. I felt love flowing in my heart whenever our eyes glimpsed. Your beautiful face its been in my head and when texted I felt the joy of love for the first time. Whenever our eyes meet there is a spark in your eyes that hunts me and telling me to love you. I…I love you Charlotte.

Charlotte: [Her eyes widening in surprise, a mix of emotions crossing her face]
Charlotte, I…I don’t know what to say..

Charles: You don’t have to say anything , Charlotte. I just needed you to know how I feel.

[Charlotte turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise, her cheeks flushed with the soft hues of the setting sun]

Charlotte: Charles you’re such a dear friend, but my heart isn’t ready yet so please wait for my love.

[Charles heart sank at her words, but he respected her honesty. His voice filled with sincerity]

Charles: I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes.

After that conversation Charles and I felt more closer. Even though I love him still I am not ready. Hearing those words from him made my heart smiles. I didn’t imagine Charles felt this way. Together we sat on the swing, where our hearts entwined admist the beauty of the moment.

Charles drove me home and that day we became more closer.

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