Chapter IV: Seasons

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Time have passed I graduated senior year and now I am in college. Our friendship grew, me and Charles became more closer. We always hangout and Charles would always visit me in the cafe. Seeing Charles smiling at me everyday at school makes my heart melt. With his beautiful smile and eyes makes me fall for him harder.

Everyday at work he would visit me and bring flowers and foods. And even at school he would always drove me home and visit and have a little chit-chat with mom. Life is now starting to change and I wish dad was still here. Still I always keep in mind to help mom.

My mom asked me if me and Charles are dating already and I said not yet and mom just smile and said "Express your love freely and remember don't waste it.". I just nodded.

Every night Charles would always text me and have late night talks. We would always talk about the future and his love for me. Remembering his confession to me made my heart opens for him. On his birthday I would like to surprise him by accepting him as my lover. It would be the best gift for him.

The day of Charles birthday has come and I invited him to go to the park where he confessed his love. Charles asked me why do we need to go to the park and I replied to celebrate your birthday.

[The park, with its sprawling lawns and benches under the blooming canopies, was serenely quiet as twilight began to enfold the sky in pastel hues. Charlotte, her heart carrying the weight of unsaid words, walked slowly along the cobblestone path, her eyes scanning for the familiar silhouette of Charles. She found him where she knew he would be, sitting on their favorite swing, lost in thought, gazing out over the stars.]

Charlotte approached with a mixture of nervousness and resolve. The moment had come the moment she would reveal a hidden truth that had been growing inside her like the oldest trees in the park. Charles looked up, his face lighting up as he saw her, that same warm smile that had always made Charlotte feel like she was home. "Hey you," he greeted her, shuffling to make space beside him.

Sitting down, her hands fidgeted in her lap before she turned to him, a gentle seriousness in her eyes. The soft glow of the setting sun draped around them like a tender embrace. "Charles," she began, her voice tremulous yet clear, "we've laughed here, shared dreams, wiped away each other's tears, and in every little moment, my heart has been whispering a truth I've only just found the courage to listen to."

Charlotte took a breath, her hand inching towards his, fingers lightly entwining. "I love you. Not just as my companion or the best part of my days, but truly and deeply. There's no need for you to say anything right now. I just wanted you to know, that my heart is completely, irrevocably yours."

Charles' reaction was a silent moment of pure awe, his own heart racing to catch up with the sincerity and depth in Charlotte's eyes. He squeezed her hand in return, the simple gesture a testament

to the shared bond that now brimmed with unspoken promises and the tender bloom of new love in the heart of the park as day melted into night.

Around them, the park breathed life, the night creatures stirring, but on that bench, time seemed to stand still. Charles drew Charlotte closer, and there, under the canopy of the oak, in the hush of twilight, he kissed her. The kiss was soft and certain, a seal over words that had finally found their voice.

The park, always a backdrop to their growing bond, now witnessed the blossom of a new chapter. And as the moon ascended, their hearts together, bathed in its silver glow, beat to a rhythm that whispered of love blooming with a promise. They pulled away just enough to see into each other's souls, their smiles speaking volumes. Neither needed words; the connection they shared transcended language, weaving its own story in the tapestry of the night.

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