Theres No Limit

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Bahamut Pov

We were trying to open the door to the treasury before we heard footsteps approaching and saw Asta, Luck and Noelle run out of a hallway as they spotted us and ran over as fast as they could

Asta: "Guys! Glad to see you're okay!" They approached the group

Luck: "This place is wrecked! Someone must've had a crazy fight here!" He chuckled and they all saw Bahamut who had scrapes all on his skin but nothing too serious

Noelle: "You big idiot! You could have died!" She saw Mimosa standing beside Bahamut and her face filled with shock "What are you doing standing by her?!"

Bahamut: "I can do whatever I want. Also, you look worse than I do." I crossed my arms "If anything, you two shouldn't have been so weak."

Asta: "Who you calling weak, you big idiot!" He stomped over to Bahamut

Noelle: "I'm not weak! You're such a jerk, I can't believe I was worried about you." She crossed her arms and turned away

Bahamut: "Why would you worry about me? Worry about yourself."

Noelle: she turned red "I mean, I was...gahhh!" Pouts "Just shut up okay."

Mimosa: she giggles softly "Please mind my cousin, she tends to be a little extra sometimes."

Noelle: "Extra?!"

Bahamut: "Cousin?" I sigh "No wonder I find you two annoying." Both girls have shocked and hurt faces

Luck: "Bahamut, did you do all of this?" He looked at the craters and trenches around before locking eyes with the unconscious diamond kingdom soldier hurried into the wall "Wow! You beat one of them, too?!" He chuckles

Bahamut: "Yes. But Yuno's team gave me a small assist."

Klaus: he groans in frustration "Small assist?! We saved your worthless commoner life!" Bahamut yawns "Don't you ignore me!"

Bahamut: "Let's just get this door open so we can get to the treasure..." my eyes twinkle while looking at the door

Klaus: "You're still doing it!"

Asta: "Will you give it a rest, four eyes?!" He and close got in each other's faces

Klaus: "You again?! You are not worth my time!" He and Asta are glaring at one another

Asta: "You aren't worth mine either but yet I'm giving it to you!" He pushes against the main before they both get hit over the head makijg them fall to the ground

Bahamut: "Shut the hell up!!!" I look at them on the ground "I'm dealing with enough as it is, the last thing I need is two dumbasses shouting my ears off!" I feel something flutter on my head and look up "Oh, hello, Nero."

Mimosa & Noelle: "So cute!"

Yuno: "Klaus, the door." The man stood up while rubbing his head and cleared his throat

Klaus: in a serious tone "There's probably a cypher here that will allow us to open the door."

Asta: "Go ahead and find it four eyes!" Luck moved over to the door

Klaus: "Be quiet! And it's not four eyes, it's Klaus." Luck put his hand on the door as electricity crackled

Luck: "Looks like it's made of magic." Turns to Asta "So you should be able to slice right through. Have that." Klaus and Asta stare

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