Aftermath of the Mission

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Bahamut Pov

I was inside of the mess hall with the rest of the bulls after the mission where I was surprised to hear that I was asleep for a whole week

Bahamut: "I must have had some serious pain if I was that tired." Yawns "Honestly, a second week doesn't sound too bad."

Asta: "What?! A week of sleeping and you want more?!"

Noelle: "Really, I swear, must everything be dramatic with you?" She looks away from Asta

Venessa: laughs "Our poor Noelle, she was so worried, kiddo. I don't know how many times she checked in on you." She says, emphasising the word how

Noelle: she looks away "I!...don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't worried, I was just wondering what would happen if he never woke up, that's all." Bahamut rolled his eyes

Bahamut: "I prefer not being watched in my sleep." Sighs

Finrel: "She plays it off, but that's a clear sign of worrying." He chuckled

Gordon: whispers "I was worried about you too, I'm glad all four of you are okay."

Bahamut: I chuckle "Thanks a lot Gordon, too bad you couldn't come too."

Magna: "Well, you obviously needed the rest, you know conquering a dungeon and nearly getting cut in half can really take it out of a guy."

Noelle: "I still think a who,e week is a little excessive."

Bahamut: "My sleep is not your problem, Nell." I crossed my arms and looked down at the table "It's not like you got your body split open momentarily."

Noelle: "No one asked you to not pay attention!"

Gauche: "Enough of this boring chitchat." His nose bleeds and he holds up a picture o his sister "Think of my goddess, Marie. Would she enjoy such dull conversation? Not one bit. I need something interesting to tell her, like a story, I only have thirty-two hundred and ten left."

Finrel: pops in "And that's not enough to tide her over for a while? How many stories does one girl need?" Sweats slightly

Luck: he looks to Bahamut "So, how are you? That cut all healed up now?" He punches the air "Are you ready to take me on? Can we fight?"

Bahamut: I push him away from me "Not happening, battle hungry hound." My stomach growls as I sigh "Damn...a week of sleep sure can't make you hungry..." I smell filled my nose

Charmy: comes From the kitchen followed by her sheep as they all carried trays "Worry not, Bahamut! The sheep cooks breakfast is ready!" The food was placed down and Bahamut started scarfing down meet while tears ran like rivers down his face

Bahamut: "You're an angel, Charmy!" I continued eating and tried to swallow but it went down slowly

Noelle: she frowned and offered him some water "Slow down, you're gonna choke! Have some class." Bahamut took the glass and drank it as he let out a breath and continued eating

Charmy: "That's it, you show that foot, Bahamut! The sheep cooks love a guy who knows how to eat!" She cheered the knight on before the door was suddenly kicked open and Yami came in smoking

Yami: "I'm gonna grab some chow, then it's back to bed."

Charmy: "Oh, hey captain Yami!" Waves "Goodmorning!"

Asta: with his mouth full "Morning captain, how's it going?"

Magna: "Morning, captain Yami sir!" Yami took a seat

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