Chapter Two

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If you see any plot holes or mistakes, please comment them! :D Enjoy!


Luna thrashed and flailed, desperate to escape from the blankets. She clawed at them, tugging and twisting frantically, but her actions only made her situation worse. She was a fly, trapped in a sticky spider's web, and the more she struggled, the more tangled she got.  

Luna started hyperventilating. She needed the blankets off, had to get them away. Away from her face, her mouth, her nose. She couldn't breathe. Her lungs. Her lungs were on fire, burning away her strength. The blankets were closing in on her, trapping her. Everything was so stuffy and hot, Luna felt like she was roasting under a blazing desert sun. 

She pushed against the blankets, searching for an opening, and her fingers broke through the blankets. The cold air was a relief, and it gave her the energy she needed. She used her newfound strength to kick off her blankets, and finally, she was free. 

Luna took a breath, then another, then another, gulping down the sweet, cool air. She pushed herself up to a sitting position and rubbed her forehead, hoping to soothe her pounding headache. Her hand came away damp with sweat, and Luna realized that her hair was slicked against her face. 

Luna pushed her tangled blankets onto the floor and flopped onto her bed, trying to remember why she was so panicked. Her dream was already starting to fade away, but Luna pushed against the limits of her memory. 

There was something about...a rubber ducky! But that didn't explain why Luna had freaked out and gotten twisted up in her blankets. She couldn't have gotten scared of a rubber ducky...right? Luna closed her eyes and concentrated, and the dream came rushing back. 

I giggled as I moved back and forth in the bright pink bathtub, creating a wave. Mom laughed. "Tidal wave!" she cried playfully from where she was crouched next to me. She was wearing an light blue T-shirt with Cookie Monster on it and leggings with purple and pink stripes. Mom didn't seem to mind that her clothes were getting wet as I splashed water everywhere. 

"Hello my little moonbeam!" Dad said, walking over. He scooped up some of the bubbles in the tub and smeared them onto his face, sculpting them into a beard. I grinned and dunked my head in a floating patch of bubbles, re-surfacing covered in bubbles. Splish splash! I splashed my dad, and he laughed. "Okay, little Luna," Mom said, putting on a serious face and holding up a shampoo bottle. "Time for shampoo." 

I start wailing. "Nooo! I hate shampoo! Shampoo get in eye! Shampoo make me cry!" I backed into the far corner of the bathtub as Mom tried to comfort me. "Look here!" she said, pointing to a label on the shampoo. I shrank back. "It says 'tear-free'!"  I shook my head urgently. "The shampoo bottle lying to me!!!" 

Dad, who was brushing his teeth at the sink, winked at me. "It's okay, Luna! Be brave!" he encouraged, but his toothbrush was in his mouth, so it sounded like, "Igh omhay Wuna! Be bghave!" I sunk down low in the water, refusing to laugh. "What will help you with the shampoo?" Mom asked me. 

I thought for a moment. "Rubber ducky!" I exclaimed. Dad came over, without the toothbrush this time. "I can get it," he offered. "It's outside, right?" I nodded and he left the bathroom. Mom put her arms in the water and swirled them around as she waited. I reached for her hand, but stop as something bright flashes across my vision–and then the dream ended.

Luna groaned in frustration. Seriously? Right as she was about to find out why she was so freaked out by that dream, it ended! She frowned. It didn't feel right calling it a dream. It felt like more of a memory...but then why didn't Luna remember it? And what was the "something bright" that she saw? Luna puzzled over this for a few moments before her dad knocked on the door. 

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