Chapter Three

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The large brick building loomed ominously ahead of Luna. Kids were swarming around it, chatting in groups, running around, or going inside. 

Luna squared her shoulders and straightened up, taking a deep breath. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. she thought, willing herself to believe it. She took a hesitant step forward. The world didn't end. I didn't fall flat on my face and get humiliated, Luna thought, trying to comfort herself. It didn't work.  

Luna took another step, onto the lush green lawn. As she did, a football whizzed toward her. Luna ducked just in time, narrowly missing getting hit. She looked around and saw two boys chucking the football at each other as if nothing had happened. They didn't even acknowledge her or say sorry!

Luna navigated through the crowd, finally reaching the building. Huxley Public Middle School was an old school, but it had been renovated recently. The huge glass windows shone, and the red bricks were clean and new. Luna pushed the door open and walked in. 

The school was a maze of classrooms. Luna felt worry building up inside of her. How was she going to get to her first class? She pulled her schedule out of her sweatshirt pocket. Homeroom was in room 148. Luna scanned the halls. Room 145! Her homeroom had to be nearby. She walked down a corridor, dodging a gaggle of giggling girls who were walking by. 

 Luna paused in front of Room 148, clenching the straps of her purple backpack so tight that her knuckles turned white. She inhales slowly, breathing in the scent of new pencils, chalk, and...EW!

Luna gagged as an unidentifiable smell wafted through the air, wrinkling her nose in disgust. I'd better go in, Luna pushed the door open. 

A female teacher with ash blond hair was writing on the board. There were about twenty other kids, who were talking to each other. They looked like they had known each other for years. 

Luna gulped. She didn't know anyone! She slunk to the very back of the classroom and plopped her backpack down next to an empty seat. Luna debated reading her book. She was on to the second book in the A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series–it was called Good Girl, Bad Blood–but she didn't want to seem like a nerd. 

Luna hovered behind a group of chatting girls, weighing her options. She could stand behind them and watch them like a creepy stalker, or introduce herself. 

"Um, the best Tay-Tay song is obviously Cruel Summer," argued a girl with streaks of pink in her blond hair. 

"No, it's Blank Space," retorted a girl who was standing in front of Luna. She flipped her long, chocolate brown hair, and Luna jumped back just in time to avoid being hit. The smell of lavender filled the air, probably from the many hair products the girl looked like she used.

Luna coughed softly as the pungent, strong scent overwhelmed her nose and mouth. She quickly covered her mouth, hoping that the girls didn't notice her and think she was being creepy. Thankfully, they continued to talk about Taylor Swift. 

"I think Love Story is a good one," offered a girl who had light brown hair pulled into a braid and was applying lip gloss.  

"Are you guys seriously arguing over the best Taylor Swift song?" teased a girl as she strode over. 

Luna sucked in a breath. There was something about this girl that made Luna want to never look away. 

Her eyes seemed to be constantly shifting from ice blue to forest green to light violet to a shimmering gold and back again, and when she blinked, her naturally long, curly eyelashes looked like butterfly wings. Her hair was a vivid red that tumbled in soft waves down her back, matching the sprinkling of freckles across her rosy cheeks. Her lips were heart-shaped, and a natural pink.

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