Chapter 13.

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♡George pov♡

Eric had gone down the hall to go to sleep. I was on the couch with a blanket. My stomach has been hurting since I threw up, and something feels wrong. I grabbed my phone and sighed.

I want to text Clay. He's been a dick but I wanna talk to him.

●Me: Hey, can we talk?

I received a response almost immidiantly.

●Clay❤️: Yeah.

●Me: Meet me at the park near Salem's house.

●Clay❤️: Be there soon.

I got off the couch and walked to the front door. I slipped my phone into my pocket and put on my shoes. I opened the front door and started walking. I soon arrived at the park and sat on the bench near the playground. I felt a cold wind hit my skin.

Fuck. Why didn't I ask for a sweatshirt?

A couple of minutes passed before a car pulled into the parking lot. I saw a tall man get out. I immidiantly recognized this person as Clay. He was wearing a hoodie with the hood up. He walked over to me and sat next to me on the bench.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

I didn't respond.

"I didn't know Salem - I didn't know what was actually going on. Sapnap told me about the things he went through. Salem used to not be a great person. He had a bad gambling addiction and would do anything to win. I mean anything. It just worried me so much that you were hanging out with him. I guess I never really realized how much he's changed since he stopped his addiction. It's not really an excuse to behave the way I did, but I've just been so worried about you since all of this happened." He ranted.

I nodded.

"The shit with Danny, the guy drugging you, Martel going after you. I just care about you so fucking much and I don't want to lose you. You're the only person who's ever cared for me this way. You're the only person who's ever loved me." He told me.

He sniffled and wiped his eyes.

"I get it, Clay. I like that you're protective. It makes me feel safe. I see why you tried to protect me from Salem, but he's a good person. He protected me from Martel at the club. I still love you. I haven't stopped loving you. You just scared me, and I needed to get away." I said.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you, George. I'm sorry for hurting Salem. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'll do better for you, okay? I promise." He told me.

"Thank you." I replied.

He nodded.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked softly.

He hesitated. I felt something odd in my stomach.

"Can you take your hood off, please?" I asked.

"No." He mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just can't." He replied.

"Baby." I said softly.

He covered his face with his hands, and his body shook a bit.

"You're gonna just be more upset with me." He sobbed quietly.

I frowned and pulled him into a hug. He clung to me like his life depended on it.

I missed having him so close.

"Tell me what happened, love." I coarsed.

"I was so mad at myself for making you upset. Martel showed up when I was lying in bed by myself. I let him take his anger out on me and he beat the fucking hell out of me." He admitted.

Mine. (DNF Vampire AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum