-my doll-

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Scolding. Burning. Another word for how hot it was, could be described as 'Satans ass'. The hot tea spilled from the top of her thigh, all the way down to her knee. And the pain was agonizing. It wasn't like her to show she was in pain, but I think anyone would have reacted the same as her. A chilling scream left her mouth, leaving Petra regretting her life choices as she stood there, frozen in fear. Some of the tea landed on Levi's hand, a hiss escaping his lips, but he was more concerned for her. The way she screamed, sent a chill through his body. It must've hurt, badly.

Levi immediately jumped up, not even bothering to scold Petra in the moment as he needed to help her. He rushed into the infirmary room that was thankfully in eyes view of where she was. He grabbed a few ice packs, hoping that would cool her leg down. He also really didn't want it to scar, he knew that would upset her even more. Well, at least he thought it would. He still hadn't quite cracked how she was as a person yet, although I guess he had a pretty good idea. As soon as he came out of the room however, things weren't looking so good for Petra.

"I-I'm going to take your life!" She had managed to threaten through the burning pain that was only rising in her leg. It was only making her temper worse, and Petra.. I guess you could say she was petrified haha. "I-I'm so so sorry-" she tried to get up, her hands balled into fists ready to knock the fuck out of Petra. But she couldn't stand. Her whole leg was numb and felt like it was on fire. She just fell back towards the floor. Thanks to Levi however, he managed to catch her and set her down carefully before she could hit the floor.

"Don't try to stand, fight her when your better, 'Kay?" Levi muttered, as he grabbed a knife out of his pocket. He used the tiny pocket knife to cut open her jeans, exposing the top of her thigh, to just below her knee. He then placed the ice packs directly onto her burns, earning a hiss from her, but he knew it would make it better. "W-watch Levi, I'm gonna kill her! I'm serious!" Levi was very focused on applying as much coldness he could to her burns, but he nodded slightly. "Yeah, okay.." he said calmly, as he now looked back down at her.

Petra's eyes widened when she heard him agree. "W-what..? It was an accident!" "Accident my ass" Levi responded in a harsh tone. His eyes turning cold as he still stared into y/n's eyes. His focus was now on Petra. He slowly started to realize what she had done. At first he was focused on making sure y/n was okay, he didn't really process what happened. He just knew she was hurt. But now it was eating him alive. Y/n looked up at Levi, she saw the look of anger flash through his cold gray eyes. She saw it coming.

"L-Levi..? What do you mean..?" Petra replied nervously. There was no way he was expecting her to do it on purpose right? Well, that's what she thought. She was delusional after all. Levi sighed deeply before talking in a serious tone to y/n. "Does it feel any better?" "It doesn't hurt..-" "don't fucking lie. I heard you scream earlier, it has to hurt still. I'm asking if it feels a little better." Y/n was shocked by how stern he was being, he looked so angry all of a sudden. "...then it feels a lot better. Trust me." Levi stayed silent before nodding slightly.

He then stood up, facing his body in Petra's direction before making his way to her. Y/n wondered what he would say, she had to admit, seeing him so angry was... something. What I mean is she thought it was hot. What a sick bitch she was. Anyways, levi looked pissed. He got close to Petra before speaking in a calm tone. "Why did you do it" Levi's voice echoed through her body and rang through her ears. She was shitting herself. Even him being so close to her made her nervous. She looked so guilty. y/n wanted to laugh, but now wasn't a good time.

"I- no Levi, I really didn't mean it!" Levi leaned in close, whispering in her ear. "I see.. so you were so coincidentally running through the halls, with scolding hot tea in your hands.. and somehow managed to no spill a single drop on yourself..?" His tone was menacing. His hot breath against her ear that sent shivers up her spine. Her eyes widened when he she heard what he said next. "Dirty liar." He spat out and leaned back away from her. He couldn't stand the sight of her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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