Chapter 4: Ayaan's Charm

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Ayaan greeted everyone with a warm "Namaste," his eyes lingering on Sathi as he took a seat beside his brother.

Sathi couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest.

As the conversation flowed, Mr. Ahuja invited them to have a private discussion if they wished. Sathi felt a pang of uncertainty as she wondered if Ayaan was indeed the one she was meant to marry.

But before she could dwell on her thoughts any longer, Ayaan rose from his seat, gesturing for Sathi to join him for a private conversation. She followed him upstairs to his luxurious room, feeling a mix of awe and nervousness.

Once inside, Ayaan broke the silence. "So, Sathi, what would you like to ask me?"

Sathi blurted out her question without hesitation. "Am I getting married to you?"

Ayaan's chuckle filled the room. "Yes, why do you ask?"

Sathi explained her confusion, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she realized her mistake.

Ayaan reassured her with a smile. "It's alright, Sathi. My brother was just testing the waters, so to speak. But rest assured, it's me you'll be marrying."

Sathi nodded, feeling a sense of clarity wash over her. But when Ayaan asked if she was ready for marriage, she hesitated.

"Isn't that too quick for you to ask?" she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ayaan's expression turned serious. "Sathi, I understand your hesitation. But for me, marriage is a decision made out of love and respect for my parents. And after getting to know you, I believe you're the perfect match for me."

Sathi was taken aback by his sincerity, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions. "Okay, but can I have some time to think about it?" she asked hesitantly.

Ayaan's demeanor shifted, his tone firm. "Sathi, I need an answer now. Are you ready to marry me?"

Sathi's mind raced as she struggled to find the right words. But in the end, she remained silent, her heart torn between duty and desires.

Later that night, after a pleasant dinner, Sathi found herself lost in thought about her conversation with Ayaan. As her family bid their farewells and headed home, she couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

The next day at the Batra venue, Sathi was busy managing the event and giving instructions to her colleagues. "Make sure the decorations are perfect, and double-check the seating arrangements," she directed, her tone assertive yet composed.

During a brief encounter with Mr. Batra, the groom, she received words of appreciation. "Everything looks wonderful, Sathi. Thank you for your hard work," he expressed, his gratitude evident in his smile.

While overseeing the preparations, Sathi suddenly heard a familiar voice. She turned to see a familiar man, and her heart skipped a beat. Memories rushed back, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within her.

Meanwhile, at the Ahuja Industries, Ayaan was engaged in a phone call in his cabin. "Has she agreed to the marriage?" the voice on the other end inquired.

Ayaan replied confidently, "She hasn't given a response yet, but I'm sure she will. No one can resist my charm."

The voice chuckled knowingly, and Ayaan bid them farewell before ending the call. Alone in his thoughts, Ayaan couldn't shake the concern lingering in his mind. "Come on, Ms. Arora, you can't refuse the marriage," he muttered to himself, feeling the pressure of the situation.

Back at the Batra venue, Sathi whispered to herself in shock, "Sanskar..." The unexpected encounter left her stunned, her mind swirling with questions and confusion.

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