Entry #1

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Beau Peane

I lifelessly watched my own name printed at the end of the document. In the solitude of my dark room, I clasped the paper that will guarantee my family's bright future in this forsaken world. But for me, it is the testament that will doom me for the rest of my life. Not like I was hoping I'd live a wonderful and normal life anyway, not in this place and time. But my sister and brother, Gyle and little Jedd, they are young, optimistic, naive...And my father, he's done so much for us siblings, he deserves to have our farm back, be at the outskirts where the remaining peace remains.

I grabbed the pen beside me, popped the cap and let the point glide in the surface of the white paper as I placed my signature. After that brief moment, I straightened my back and gazed down to the signed document. It brought smile to my face, knowing that this is for the sake of my family, knowing that this would probably be the last smile.


I slowly opened my eyes, still feeling a little drowsy from the drug. My body's a little numb but enough for me to feel the thick straps in both of my wrists and ankles. I can also feel something around my neck, slightly pulsating. I tried to pull myself from the drowsiness and observe my surroundings. White walls in all three corners, the other one in front of me was a huge mirror, probably double-way. Inside the room was a bed, a small private chamber, a table with two chairs, the reclining seat I'm currently strapped on and a...small shelf with books.

I took few deep breaths as I gaze at the ceiling. I feel great anxiety as I brought myself to this situation. There's nothing good that I can expect from here but my only choice is to live through it, try to survive, serve my purpose.

My attention was immediately snatched away when a door on the side of the huge mirror suddenly opened and a bespectacled man draped in white coat followed through. He sauntered towards me with his left hand on his pockets. Once our distance is close enough, he stopped at my feet and looked down on me. His eyes wandered and scanned my body, scrutinizing it, "You're smaller than I thought." he promptly commented. "But that's not a huge problem," he says to himself and paused. And then our eyes met, "Greetings, I see that you're one of the volunteers. You must be desperate then. But no worries, I meant not to mock your poor choices." his lips draw into a brief, thin, fake smile. He started to circle around me. "I am Dr. HT, I am...a senior here and from now on you'll be under my supervision...as my guinea pig for my latest experiment.

"What about you, what's your name?" he asks in an almost different tone compared to seconds ago.

"Beau..." I answered shortly.

"Like the weed?" he asks again which earned a confused look in my face.


"Ah, never mind," he shakes his head, "Anyway, now that we wrapped the introductions, from this moment on I will conduct experiments in which you fully consented. I expect nothing but full cooperation as per contract." he declared with his hands on his back. "You don't have to worry about me resisting, doctor. I know what kind of hell I entered." he answered.

He blew out air through his nose. "That's good to hear. Hold on to that word." he then turned his back and started to walk towards the door in where he came to. The straps then unlocked and I sprung up from the reclining seat while watching his back. "Sing your prayers for today, we will start tomorrow." he waved his hand before he went through the door and locked it with a beep. After few seconds, another beep rang in my white-walled quarters. I figured the sound came near the table set up so I walked towards it. There was a small button in the wall and its icon compelled me to press it. After curiously pressing it, a tray popped out from the wall which surprised me.

It was food. A clean, decent food. Beside it was a glass of water and plastic utensils for eating. I brought the tray to the table and sat. Staring at the food right in front of me, my mouth watered simply at the sight of it. It was a piece of cooked steak (already diced) placed in a plate. I brought a piece of it into my mouth and chewed it carefully.

At least the first day was not bad.

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