Entry #2

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I awoke from the sudden flash of light penetrating my eyelids. The white lights blinded me as I got up from my bed and then Dr. HT's voice sounded through the speakers. "Hope you had a nice sleep." he greeted insincerely. Not really, although I had the best meal I ever eat in my entire life (probably the last one too) I was mostly awake throughout the time. Of course, it's already apparent what have been keeping me awake from the last few hours. "Basing on your silence, it must have been the opposite. Figured that out." I can't help but notice how most of the time he would speak casually, and sometimes it would be empty. He's like an unstable rhythm. But who am I to form conclusions, we only met yesterday.

As instructed, he made me lay on a bed trolley and secured my limbs with straps. He transferred me to a different room, as I glanced around, I could see more electronic mechanisms and contraptions that I can't name. He went behind my bed and increased the height of the upper part of bed making it like a reclining chair. My eyes followed him as he stood beside me while he inspects something on his pad.

"Vitals are fine. We can proceed to the pre-development stage." He said giving me a quick glance before walking towards a dressing trolley. "Can...can I ask a question?" I found the courage to ask. "A question? Well, ask away while you're still sane enough to do so." he answered while he was busy preparing from vials. The last part of his statement was absolutely unnecessary.

"Can I know... what exactly are you trying to do...with me? For what purpose am I serving for?"


Ah, I get it if he doesn't answer me. Maybe, it's even better if I know nothing at all.

"I won't tell the details but it's certainly not for a good reason." he chuckled mockingly at the end. It surprised me. "Just some...body modifications." he said in an eerie way while he drags the dressing trolley behind him. He tilted his head, the corner of his lips curving slightly upwards. "A little change here and there." he almost whispered, it made the hairs on my nape stand. I gulped as he get closer and closer to me, I tore my gaze away from him. He stopped and I can feel his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he picked up a loaded syringe. I jolted when he suddenly got hold of my arm, it was cold and firm, keeping me still. Without wasting another second, he pierced my skin with the syringe's needle and pumped the fluid into the penetrated vein. After emptying the tube, he pulled it out and put it away. The first few seconds got me clenching the medical dress they made me wore, not by pain but fear, I could see blue markings starts branching out from the punctured area of my skin. Another few seconds and I was gasping for air, it felt like my lungs are being compressed. Cold sweats on my forehead and back. My gaze was fixed into the ceiling as I continue to gasp for air, my body struggling with the restraints that bind me to the bed.

My eyes tried to look for doctor but found him in front of computer controls, his back turned while his attention was fixed on the information appearing on the screen.

After what felt like hours of gasping for air, it finally subsided. I was still there, my chest heaving up and down while I bath with my own sweat. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I weakly looked at him. "Great work, rabbit." he blandly said, "Your body is adapting well to the first drug. Sounds promising." he added.

He then took a white handkerchief from his pocket and patted my forehead dry from the sweat. If it's not for the sinister smile slipping through that lips of him, I would think he's genuine. From that thought, I think I needed to remind myself that such thing doesn't exist in this place.

"Now that you've got your rest, how about we proceed to the next drug, shall we?" he didn't wait for my response and turned his back to get another loaded syringe. And not like I can do anything against it, he freely injected the needle in my neck. The pain made me shut my eyes closed and grit my teeth. It didn't take long for me to feel a searing pain spreading from my neck. I let out a hoarse scream as my body arched. It's worser than the first. It felt like the inside of my body is being burned on the inside, I could feel my veins almost popping out my skin. My muscle tensed due to force I'm exerting as my body instinctively fight the body. I screamed and rattled on the bed until I could barely let out a sound, until my body gives up on struggling. No pain could ever compare to this in my entire life although being also aware that this is just the start. This is just torture, something I would live now. I could only hope to pass out or to never survive long. To be a failed subject on the earlier stages.

And yet...and yet...my body seems never to give up. My eyes never shutting. My mind ever awake during the process.

I could laugh at myself right now...for trying to fight and survive everything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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