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THERE WAS ONE THING ELLIE LIKED ABOUT LIVING ON A FARM, that was the fact that it was her own timer. She knew when to wake up because of the crowing of the rooster, Ellie knew when midday was because that's when she fed the animals, night was easy enough to spot when the owls start hooting.

Ellie lived for this rhythm, and it had been there since was born. So she didn't dare to break it today, Ellie woke up like usual. At the first rooster's crow, she was up and ready pulling on one of her usual white tops and cream colored skirt, by the second crow Ellie was already dressed and ready for school.

She grabbed the book she was reading and headed out of her room. The smell of cooking bacon filled the halls, and Ellie could hear her mother humming in the kitchen. Ellie turned, smiling as she walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Ma." She said as she walked up to her mother who stood by the stove, Ellie pressed a kiss against her cheek. "Why, it must be a good morning."

Ellie smiled before going back over to the table. She looked more like her mother than her siblings, both Martha and Sherman got their father's brown hair while Ellie inherited her mother's fiery red hair. The two women shared noses and eyes but her father was mixed in a little, Ellie had Otis's tall stature and the same jaw but most of their similarities was in their mind.

Elsie always laughed when she saw the two concentrating on something because she always said they looked the same. They had the same reactions and way of thinking. Ellie walked up to her father who was deep in thought as he stewed over his notes. She leaned down and pressed a kiss against his temple.

"Good morning Pa." She said pulling her father from his thoughts. He looked up at her and smiled. "Good morning Elvira, did you sleep well?"

"I did." Ellie nodded and sat down in her spot before opening her book

Elsie moved from the stove and put the bacon on a plate. She looked over at her daughter.

"So what has made that smile of yours permanent?" She asked and Ellie looked up, her eyes shining brightly. "Well I finished my book last night 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' and I had figured out who the murderer before Hercule Poirot did." The girl said blabbering out

"So what book are you reading now?" Elsie asked as she turned back to the stove

"'And Then There Were None'" the girl replied as her two younger siblings walked into the kitchen

They said their good mornings to their parents before sitting down and began eating breakfast. Ellie sat there in between the two of them, she picked up her book as she started eating. The conversation became silent, all of them were in their own bubble.

"Mom, Ellie's reading at the table again!" Sherman complained, Elsie looked over her shoulder and called out to the oldest girl. "Elvira put your book down and talk to your family."

Then the woman looked over her other shoulder, out of the side of her eye she could see her husband bent over his notebook.

"You too Otis." She added and the man immediately looked up humming out

He took off his glasses and closed his notebook. Ellie rolled her eyes and put her book down before sticking her tongue out at Sherman, the younger boy did it back. The conversation started up again but none of them really knew what to talk about so Ellie got up.

"I've gotta go." She said and moved around the table. "Bye Ma, Bye Pa I'll see you later."

"Bye Ellie. Have a good day." Her parents called back as the girl hurried out of the house

She rushed up to the side of the house and grabbed her bicycle, Ellie quickly put her bag and book into the small basket. She grabbed onto the handles and began to walk out to the dirt road. Ellie passed by the two pine trees, they were her father's prized possessions.

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