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GEORGE GROANED AS HE WAS STARTLED AWAKE, he almost jumped out of his bed before roughly hitting his blaring alarm. He fell back onto his bed and ran his hand over his face. George was just having the best dream, he was just about to slay the monster and strangely it looked just like one from his comic. As the boy laid there dreading the fact that he had to go to school, he didn't hear the footsteps heading towards his room.

A knock on his door followed by a voice, pulled George out of his thoughts. "George, it's time to wake up."

"Yeah I'm getting up." He answered and threw the covers off of him

He stood up and walked over to his dresser, he started to get ready and pulled on a white shirt with some brown dress pants. He grabbed his notebook and tattered bag, it looked old and destroyed but it wasn't that old. The destruction came from the many times that it had been ripped away from him or ripped open by Biff. Speaking of the big bully, George turned around and rushed over to the desk in the corner of his room, he grabbed a stack of paper that sat on his desk.

The boy quickly skimmed through the papers hoping that it was good enough for Biff. George opened up the door to his room and heading down the hall into the kitchen, both of his parents sat at the table. Arthur was reading the daily papers, his eyes flickered to his son before looking back at the paper and Sylvia smiled at George who sat down at the table.

"Good morning how did you sleep?" She asked and shoveled some bacon onto his plate. George answered sounding off. "I slept fine mom."

He gave her a smile as he looked down at his own papers, Sylvia gave a sigh as she rested her head on his hand. She watched as George played with his food for a second.

"Eat up, I made your favorites." George smiled and placed his papers down. "Thanks mom."

She then looked over at her husband, glaring at the man as he ignored his family. "Artie how has work been?"

The man let out a 'hm?' Before he placed his paper down and answered. "It's been fine, I'm in line for a promotion."

'Well that's amazing, what about you George how is school?"

He shrugged, "it's been fine." George bent down and grabbed his bag pulling it onto his lap. His mother's eyes went wide as she sat the tattered bag

"What happened to your bag?" George opened mouth as he tried to say something but the woman continued. "Are you getting bullied, is that one kid? Did he hurt you?"

She grabbed George's face and held it in her hands as Sylvia searched for anything showing her suspicions. She looked over at Arthur glaring at the man as she hissed out.

"You need to go to the school and do something." That pulled the man from his papers as his eyes went wide. He put down the paper and answered his wife. "It's probably nothing Sylvie, boys being boys. George can handle himself. Right, Georgie?"

George nodded and pulled his mother's hands from his face. Sylvia's face held concern and fear as she stared at her son.

"I'm fine mom, okay." He smiled and assured his mother who nodded, Sylvia sat down 

George was able to sit down as well and finished the food on his plate before shoving the papers into his bag. He stood up from the table turning as he called to his parents.

"I'll see you later." George headed to the door

"Bye, I love you." Sylvia called as Arthur said a soft goodbye to his son

George walked out of the house and grabbed his bike, he jump on and started riding away. He was used to the hectic nature of life and living in the city, he focused on getting to the school rather than riding. So he passed by the shops and the people  who also were starting their day.

He peddled the bike as fast as he could, apologizing to those he had to skirt around and finally, with one last turn, George stopped in front of the school. His eyes searched the grounds as he got off his bike, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He saw the cliques slowly start to form as more people arrived and in the corner he saw the bookworm.

He didn't know her name or anything about her, all he knew was that she sat there everyday reading some book and she hadn't failed George. There hadn't been a day where she wasn't there. He let out a breath, maybe Biff wasn't here today and a sense of relief came over him.

The boy started walking forward with a genuine smile on his face, or that was until he heard it. George froze as he heard the voice.

"McFly!" He knew that voice well, and it was the very boy that George was wishing wasn't here to today. "Where you going?"

George couldn't move, he was frozen in his spot. Biff reached forward and grabbed the boy's backpack pulled George back as Biff wrapped his arm around the smaller boy.

"Hi Biff." George pushed out as they stopped

He almost fell forward but Biff grabbed his bag again and turned the boy around. He held a devilish smirk as he crossed his arms, George just gulped.

"I hope you remembered." Biff held out his hand and cocked his eyebrow

In a state of panic and fear, George had forgotten what he had promised Biff. So he just looked confusedly at Biff who became agitated.

Biff brought his hand forward and started knocking on George's head. "Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Come on McFly think."

George just chuckled at the action, as he remembered and pulled his backpack off. Biff smiled and stopped as he waited, George reached in and grabbed the papers. He flipped through them and gave Biff his section.

"Here you go, I added-" but before George could finish, Biff grabbed the papers and started walking around him. "Thanks McFly."

The bell just rang as Biff started walking away. The boy let out a sigh as he turned and started walking after everyone else, he watched as Biff shoulder checked a girl but just continued walking. George slowly trudged after the group and slowly to his classes, the day started slowly today.

George sat in the back of most of his classes, too immersed in his stories to listen to the teachers. The boy's hand flew across the page as he wrote what came to his mind. George's brain always worked faster than his hand could catch up.

"George." George barely heard his name, but as his name was said again he looked up. The boy saw his teacher standing in front of him. "It's time to go."

George let out a sigh. "I can't stay in here?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry."

George just smiled. "It's okay, thank you."

The boy closed his notebook and got up, he walked out of the classroom. George walked down the hallway and continued to his classes, the same went by as usual until George was walking to his last class.

"McFly!" Biff's voice boom out again

George froze, the boy sounded angrier. Biff stomped up to the boy and turned him around.

"Are you trying to screw me over!"

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