Chapter Six

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The show is over now and Goodbye is playing. I had just finished throwing a bunch of flowers at the fans and now I'm walking off the stage while waving at them.

Dakota and Claudia are at the side of the stage and I'm walking towards them. Finneas and Andrew are behind me having a little conversation.

"Hi guys!" I say to them. "Did y'all like the show?" I ask as we start walking down the hall to the greenroom.

Claudia rolls her eyes, "You literally ask that same question every show. But yeah it was great like always."

"Whatever, I just wanted to make sure you guys had fun."

"Well don't worry because we had the time of our lives back there." Claudia assures me.

I nod, "Good." I look at Dakota who's on the other side of Claudia. "Hey, how's your arm?"

"Oh uh, it's fine. It's just a little sore. It's probably gon' be even more sore tomorrow though." She replies.

"I'm sorry about those guards. They were... complete fucking assholes." I tell her in a guilty tone.

Dakota shakes her head, quickly reassuring me. "No no, don't bash yourself. You're good." She says, chuckling a bit.

"But they-"

"Billie." She starts. "I promise you. You're ok. You didn't know that would happen."

"Okay, but I still feel bad." I tell her.

"Well don't, cause' I'm alive and well. Not lying in a hospital bed slowly dying." She laughs.

Me and Claudia laugh as well.

We're all in the greenroom now. Claudia and Finneas go to sit on the couch and talk with each other. Andrew is sitting on another chair with a bottle of water in his hand. And Dakota takes a seat in front of the couch on the floor. I also take a seat on the floor with a bottle of water.

" God... I'm tired as hell." I say after chugging  the water.

Dakota chuckles at me.

She's so fucking sexy, what the hell.

"I bet you are. You was jumping around looking crazy as hell! I'm surprised you ain't break no ankles doing all that."

I look at her while trying to keep a straight face. "That wasn't funny."

"Oh but it was! I see you tryna crack a smile. C'mon! Smile for me!"

Sadly, my little smirk grows into a smile and Dakota starts laughing at me.

"Yeahhhh there it go!"

I roll my eyes. "Oh please, the only reason I smiled is because of how goofy you look."

Dakota scoffs, "Girl bye, you know I look sexy."

She's right.

"Eh, you're alright. I look better though." I say while flipping my hair.

"You do." She responds with a smirk and then she winks at me.

If she keeps being all attractive and shit, I'm gonna fuck her on this goddamn floor.

Blush covers my cheeks and I get shy. "Oh my Godddd stop."

"What? I'm just telling the truth." She tells me.

I smile shyly and look away.

"Sooo... I believe you met my brother, Junior, at the corner store."

"Oh uh yeah I did. He's pretty cool."

"He told me that he gave you my socials. He also told me why he gave you my socials." She tells me.

My eyes widen a bit. What did he say?

"Don't worry though, he ain't say too much. He just said that you mentioned our little staring contest at the concert and that you couldn't stop thinking about it or me for that matter."

"Omg. That is so embarrassing."

"And all the stuff I told y'all about earlier, I'm just wondering if you already knew that? You been internet stalking me?" Dakota asks me, an eyebrow raised while looking at me suspiciously.

I'm gonna need the floor to open up and swallow me whole right now.

"Umm. No, I was not internet stalking you. But I did look at a couple pictures and videos." I tell her, sheepishly.

I'm definitely lying. She has over 100 posts and I looked at them all. She has a video where she's at the beach and she had on an all black sports bra and swimming shorts. Man she looked good.

"A couple pictures and videos?" Dakota questions.

I give her an awkward straight face and nod. "Yep."

She squints her eyes trying to read me. "Ol' lying ass. Girl byeee." She laughs.


"You and I both know you lying. But it's okay I'll let it slide." She says, shaking her head and laughing.

"Mcht, whateverrr." I say.

Dakotas phone starts to ring.

"Oh shit it's my momma. Imma step outside the room real quick." Dakota says, then she leaves the room.



"Girl where the hell you at? You was supposed to be here 'bout thirty minutes ago."

Oh shit. I definitely lost track of time.

"My bad momma. Some stuff had happened and you probably not gone believe this, but Maggie, which is Billie's mom, had helped me out." I tell her excitedly.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I'll tell you when I get back. That's something I gotta tell you in person. Anyways imma get a Uber. I'll be there soon."

My mom sighs, "Ok child."

I chuckle and shake my head, hanging up the phone.

I walk back in the greenroom and tell everybody I'm leaving.

"So uhhh, I gotta go now but it was really nice meeting y'all and I definitely had a good time."

"Yeah same here. It was really nice making fun of Billie on stage." Claudia says.

Billie quickly turns her head to Claudia. "What!?"

Me and Claudia burst out laughing.

While still laughing, Claudia shakes her head. "I'm joking! No one made fun of you."

Billie squints her eyes, looking between me and Claudia. "Right."

"Don't you have to leave? Go home." Billie tells me.

"Oh- what you getting all snarky for. Because best believe you won't be getting any clothes from me."

Finneas starts laughing now, "I like her. She's funny as hell."

Billie's eyes widen, "Okay! Wait- I'm sorry. Please let me get a shirt."

"Mm. I'll think about it." I tell her, giving her a fake disapproving look.

"Anyways yeah, I really do have to go. Have a good night y'all."

"You too! It was nice meeting you!" Finneas says.

"Bye! Have a good night." Claudia says.

"Bye Dakota!" Billie says.

I smile at her, "Bye Billie."

I leave and then shut the door behind me.


I'm sorry for the late update guys. I don't really do scheduled updates. Also...



anyways yeah. i just had to rant for a little bit.

Her Obsession (Billie Eilish x G!P OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang