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Kabir's pov.

I had dropped kinjal at her home and now was returning back to mine.

I was soaked in water.
Gosh ! I never liked rain! But here she was there standing like an idiot.

Flashback ~~~

When I saw her standing there in the middle of road .... Smiling widely.... Tension Free.. my heart skipped a beat .
Oh no Kabir don't get trapped by her beauty she's just after your money.

I dragged her with me to a store and asked her what she was doing there and gave her the stuff which ma asked me to give to her, which I didn't wanted to though.

When she was leaving I again pulled her which made her bump to me.
But the next moment took me in shock.
She literally shouted on me!! How dare she? I guess I will have to show her limits.
I pinned her to the wall by my hands and warned her.

At 12.

I was standing outside of her door,

I ringed the bell and she came out ... What the hell!! She had a mark of hand printed on her cheek!
Did anyone slapped her?!!

Well now that made me too angry!

Well its not that I love her... But she's soon going to be my wife!
And I can't let any harm reach my family!

She was sniffing... Her eyes were red and puffy.

Without saying anything she sat on the passenger seat.
Understanding her condition I sat quietly and started the drive .. hoping her to calm down first.

After a while I asked her .

" Who did that?" It was supposed to be a calm question but I just yelled it!
I can't control myself.

" What?" She said looking outside.

" The slap!" I said.

" N-No one " she said.. I can see her eyes were again getting moist and her hands were trembling.

I hold her hand with my one hand and drove with another.

" I know I told you that I will never love you and our marriage will be different!
But it doesn't mean that I don't have any duties to fulfill!
Any rights over to you!
Infact not just me but you too!

You know... We can't be lovers.... But atleast we can be friends?
It's my duty as a husband to protect you! So you can share anything with me!" I said all that.
I don't know what got into me ... But I just did.

"Stop the car" she said suddenly.
Shit! Did I made her uncomfortable? Does she wanna get out ?

" I said stop the car!" She said with a sob.
I stopped the car with a hault.

I was about to ask her why but before that she hugged me tightly and started crying loudly.

I reciprocated the hug and started caressing her back with one hand.. and patted her head with another.

After a while finally she stopped.
Her eyes were bloodshot red.

" Are you fine?" I asked.
She just nodded.
" Thanks.... It really felt good to have a friend now!
Please give me some time, I am not ready yet to open up.... Hopefully you will understand" she said.

" Ofcourse! " I said and then silence engulfed us.

I again started driving.

---- Time skip ----

We reached the mall and proceeded inside to a shop.

I asked ma in how much time will she be coming.
Oh yeah she was too coming!
Well it was obvious that the bride couldn't select her wedding dress on her alone!

Usually it is the bride's mother who helps in all this but in her case it was different.... Well it my idea only cause by the time now I had understood that kinjal and my mother in law weren't on good terms.

" Umm.. ma will take 30 minutes more to arrive!
Till the time.... Would you like to eat something?" I asked her.

" I am fine " she said .

" Did you had your breakfast?" I asked her.
I don't know why but it felt like she haven't plus she must be feeling weak too by all the crying.

As on my cue she replied nodded her head in a no.

" Then let's have something! I was feeling little hungry too!" I said that so that she doesn't decline which did worked.

We proceeded to the cafeteria

Hello peeps!
How are you all?
Thank you @ dynamicgirl_08 for your votes! ❤️
It means a lot! 🦋🥰

Hopefully you all liked the update!
Let me know your views on this through votes and comments 💞.

What do you think... Who slapped kinjal?
And why?
Will be she able to open up to him?
Will their this friendship ever turn into something more?

Stay tuned ☺️,
And don't forget to express your love 💓.
Give some justice to the poor vote button too!.. 😉

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