•||Chapter 12: Disoriented||•

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Dime went back to where the other disoriented murder drones were, Dime was not happy and not in a good mood at all.

"Heyyy so how was your adventure?" Shade teased, She was Dime's friend.

"Terrible!" Dime shouted angrily, it sat down and just stares at the ground.

"What happened this time?" Shade asked, her head tilted to the side.

"I was hungry and tried to find some outsiders but then I get stabbed in my gut by some show off!" Dime complained.

"Damn, that sounds like it hurt" Shade muttered.

"I still wonder why we didn't just team up with the other types of murder drones and go against the new and unique ones as revenge" Dime snarled.

Shade listened and thought for a second and finally spoke up again.

"We haven't because if we did we would've ruined our cover" Shade answered.

Dime scowled and rolled it's eyes.

"Can you not roll your eyes at me for once?!" Shade asked angrily, she was tired of her friend being rude for no reason.

"Just shut it! you never helped me and you are a terrible friend! all you ever do is sit around and do nothing!" Dime yelled, it was trying to make Shade feel bad.

"Sorry..." Shade stuttered, she had tears forming in her eyes, she crawls off.

Dime rolls it's eyes again and just tries to figure out how to make it's plan work just so that way it gets all the spotlight and attention.

Shade climbs a tree and hangs upside down.

"I don't understand what I did wrong..." Shade said to herself.

She began to tear up and silently sobs, feeling hurt.

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