21 David Introduction/Backstory

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Bowie Carson, call sign: "Maverick"
Luca calls him "Rick"
Chris calls him "Mav"
He was born in Indianapolis and moved to LA to live with his uncle and Aunt.

From ages 3-6 he was in a foster home while his parents struggled with money. That's where he met his friend and foster brother Carlos.
The foster system is something him and Street are able to bond over

When he was 7 years old his mother committed suicide. She shot herself in the side of the head 2 times during an argument with his father. After the loss of his mother, his father started drinking. He was an abusive alcoholic and would often beat him. His dad ended up drinking himself into a coma and then later to death.
He's bisexual, which he got beat for by his dad when he was 12 after his school called home because he was holding hands with a boy.
At the age of 13 he moved to LA. He moved in with his uncle Mike, his aunt Catherine, and his cousin Cesar.
In high-school he was very into engineering and learnt how to take apart and rebuild almost any electronic which led him to starting to work on cars in his free time. He buys old busted up cars, fixes them up, and sells them to collectors.
When he turned 18 he joined the police, eventually moving to S.W.A.T., wanting to turn his life around. His current rank is 21 David.
When he was 23 His friend TJ died from an overdose. A year later he did some digging and found out that he has a brother named Cody that he never knew about. A brother his mother had with another man. He reached out to Cody and after months of trying ended up winning him over and building a brotherly bond with him. Bowie almost died multiple times from overdose and alcohol poisoning. His aunt Catherine started to abuse him for money. She blackmailed him into not telling anyone but he finally got sick of it and told his uncle Mike, who later divorced her. He drives an orange Dodge Challenger which belonged to his biological brother that died in a car crash inside of it. Even though he has the car he mostly drives his motorcycle. It helps him feel at peace and clear his head. He loves Chinese food and rap music. He works part time as a DJ/performer at a karaoke bar connected to a club for extra cash.

His best friends are Chris and Tan. He sees Deacon as a father figure.
After moving out of his uncle's spare bedroom he moved back and forth between hotels and Deacon's couch, basically becoming a big brother to Deacon and Annie's kids

(I'll probably update this at some point when I have more history for Maverick)

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