Chapter: 8

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Evelyn's heart pounded in her chest as she looked down at his abdomen, where his hands were covered in blood. Her eyes widened in shock, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she realized the severity of his injuries. Without hesitation, she moved towards him, catching him as he stumbled and leaning him against the wall.

"I'm calling 999," she declared, reaching for her cellphone in her bag. But his hand halted her, his voice barely audible as he uttered, "Don't... I'm fine."

Evelyn hesitated, uncertainty clouding her mind as she searched for a way to help him. Seeing the deep wound revealed as he lifted his shirt only heightened her concern. She swiftly took out a scarf from her bag, using it to cover his injuries.

"This will do, but it would be better if I called the ambulance," she insisted, her voice tinged with worry.

But before she could act further, he struggled to stand and collapsed onto her shoulders, unconscious. With a sense of urgency, Evelyn dialed for help, her heart racing with worry for the man who had fallen into her care.

At the hospital, relief washed over Evelyn as she listened to the doctor's reassurances that she had done the right thing by bringing Dominic in. However, her relief was short-lived as he abruptly woke up, removing the wires attached to him and attempting to leave.

"You can't do that," a nurse admonished, trying to stop him.

But his determination was evident as he refused to comply, his frustration palpable in his voice. As the nurses attempted to stop Dominic from leaving, they succeeded only in exacerbating his frustration. Laying lifeless in the hospital bed, he refused to acknowledge Evelyn, his gaze fixed resolutely away from her.

"I thought I told you I didn't need to be here," he muttered, a hint of irritation lacing his voice.

Evelyn's grip on her skirt tightened, her determination unwavering as she met his gaze with unwavering resolve. "You would have practically died if I didn't," she retorted, her voice firm despite the tremble in her hands.

Dominic scoffed dismissively, his tone sharp as he replied, "And if I did, it would be none of your business."

Their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills, and Evelyn felt an unsettling chill creep down her spine. In Dominic's dominating presence, she felt small and insignificant, as though she were merely a pawn in a larger game.

In that moment, amidst the tension and the uncertainty, Evelyn realized that she was confronting more than just a stranger in a hospital bed. She was facing a force to be reckoned with, a man whose presence commanded respect and instilled fear in equal measure. As he finally met her gaze, Evelyn couldn't shake the feeling that she was standing on the precipice of something much larger than herself.

As the nurse inquired about his name, his response was curt yet clear. "Dominic," he stated, his eyes still piercing Evelyn's. When pressed for his last name, he replied with a simple "Monroe," leaving the air heavy with unresolved tension.

In the ensuing silence, Evelyn found herself lost in thought, her mind swirling with questions . She glanced up at the clock, the minutes ticking by slowly as she stood from her chair, preparing to leave.

But before she could make her exit, she felt his hands on her wrists, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he spoke. "Thank you," he murmured, the weight of his gratitude hanging in the air like an unspoken promise.

Evelyn's heart fluttered at his unexpected gesture, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. .Refusing to meet his gaze, Evelyn simply replied with a quiet "Your welcome" of her own before heading out, closing the door behind her. Leaning against it, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside her.Her cheeks were flushed As she stood there, her gaze drifted down to her wrists, where Dominic's touch still lingered like a ghostly imprint. She traced her fingers over the spot where his hands had grasped her, feeling the warmth of his touch seared into her skin.But now, as she stood alone in the quiet hallway, hes name lingering like an echo.Evelyn pushed herself away from the door as she made her way across the busy hallway filled with nurses and patients.

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