The Infinite Blue (by Lady Eckland)

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A violent crack of thunder startled Jacob Marlin awake

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A violent crack of thunder startled Jacob Marlin awake. He blinked groggily as another flash of lightning illuminated the cramped cabin of his sailboat, the Siren's Call. Raindrops hammered against the deck above like drumbeats heralding an approaching army. 

Jacob pushed himself out of his bunk and staggered to the controls, still half-asleep. The boat pitched and yawed beneath his feet as towering waves battered the hull. He grabbed the wheel to steady himself and peered out at the storm-tossed sea.

Inky black clouds blotted out the stars, leaving only strobing forks of lightning to pierce the darkness. Winds howled with unnatural fury, threatening to snap the mast like a toothpick. Foamy white caps stretched to the horizon in every direction, the ocean itself seemingly alive and ravenous.

Jacob had weathered his share of storms in his decades sailing solo around the globe, but none quite like this. There was something malevolent, almost sentient, in the way the tempest raged. As if the sea itself had risen up in wrathful vengeance against him for daring to venture this far from shore.

He struggled with the wheel, fighting to keep the bow pointed into the teeth of the gale. Icy seawater crashed over the gunwales, drenching him to the bone. With his instruments on the fritz, he had to rely on raw instinct and seamanship to hold the boat together.

Wave after mountainous wave slammed into the Siren's Call, each one threatening to roll her over and entomb Jacob in a watery grave. He clung to the wheel with grim determination even as exhaustion seeped into his limbs. If he could just make it through the night...

With an ear-splitting crack, the mast snapped and toppled across the deck, its rigging tangling around Jacob's legs. He cried out as the lines cut into his flesh, trapping him. The boat spun sideways, completely at the mercy of the surging swells.

This is it, Jacob thought as a wall of water rushed up to greet him. After all these years, the ocean finally claims her—

Blackness swallowed him whole before he could complete the sentence. He spiraled down, down into the crushing depths and the waiting arms of oblivion. The inky water filled his nose and throat, choking off his air. He convulsed, clawing for the surface that seemed to recede away into nothingness...

 He convulsed, clawing for the surface that seemed to recede away into nothingness

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