Central Park

45 9 89

This is one of my favorite songs that I've written and I'm really proud of it. I wrote it about a month ago and shared it on the mb of my old acc, I just didn't publish it it one of my songbooks cause it didn't really fit anywhere. 

I would like to dedicate this song to Clara, who gave me the inspiration to write this song after showing me her BEAUTIFUL rain song, that I'm still waiting for by the way, and our talk about the endless metaphorical possibilities of snow and rain. 

Verse #1:

We used to hold hands in the cold

Keeping each other warm as we walked through the snow

Now I just sit and count raindrops 

As they streak through window panes

Doing anything to block it out

Trying to ignore the pain

Pre chorus

And there's a dark cloud

Hanging over me

Holding our memories 


Central park 

Isn't a wonderland without your love

Central park

Isn't a wonderland

Not when the rain is falling down 

Central park

Isn't a wonderland

When you haunt my mind

Central park isn't a wonderland

Not without you around 

Verse #2

When all the snow on the sidewalks 

Is reduced to slush

I wish being alone

Was enough

And the snow flakes don't fall any more

All I get is rain that pours 

Pre chorus

Now that our winter is over

I realize how lonely it is in spring 

Just me and the tragic songs I sing


Central park 

Isn't a wonderland without your love

Central park

Isn't a wonderland

Not when the rain is falling down 

Central park

Isn't a wonderland

When you haunt my mind

Central park isn't a wonderland

Not without you around 


I tried to forget you baby,

I really did

But the snow flakes falling on the city

Bring me back to those days

I still look for your hand to hold

When I'm out in the snow

So I walk home in the rain alone

Let the water fill up my lungs

Drown out the memories 

Cause without those memories

Central park never looked so pretty

Storms that create a lazy haze

Clouding up all my worries 

Central park never looked so pretty

Raindrops hanging from the leaves

Sparkling in the light

Even though the sun's blocked out

No Central Park's never looked so pretty

Now that I've let you go 


Central park 

Isn't a wonderland without your love

Central park

Isn't a wonderland

Not when the rain is falling down 

Central park

Isn't a wonderland

When you haunt my mind

Central park isn't a wonderland

Not without you around 


Central park

Isn't a wonderland 

When I'm walking home 

In the rain

All alone 

But Central park is beautiful 

Cause if I'm being truthful

Central park is beautiful 

When forgetfulness is wonderful

Central Park: My SinglesWhere stories live. Discover now