The Chalk Song

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I was in English class and my teacher was talking about the difference between describing things in poetry and describing things the way you would normally. One of the example he used is chalk. So I present to you the chalk song. 

Written May 7th

Verse 1

We met when we were little

5 years old

Our lives where fables

Hand games and cat's cradles

Oh back then

The skies were shining

The sun never went down

Picture perfect life

Like the drawings on the ground


This was fine

This was enough

This was drawing pictures with sidewalk chalk

Colorful and imaginary

the toad turned prince by the magic fairy

The drawings of our future house

With Christmas lights up in February

Everything was just so


Verse 2

Together we grew up

Singing songs and chasing streams

Fairy wings on Halloween

So many memories

our drawings got more refined 

we learned a bout the importance of shadows

and stopped blurring the lines

learned about realities and ups and downs of life


this was different

but still fine

This was a little bit of rain

but our pictures still looked nice

the underlying theme was there

the storyline that we so happily shared

we decided our dream house was to small

but we're still neighbors

Having picnics together on our front lawns


same old piece of worn out chalk

We scrape the sidewalks with

We rub our fingers against the ground until their red and raw

Our chalk has worn down and is now a little too small

The time went on

our drawings got washed away

but we would draw them again the very next day

A copy of a copy is what they became 

You're a pretty good artist

But even  Picasso couldn't make this look less lifeless 


This is life 

It might suck 

The plot got lost, now our story's done

Forgot about the dream house

I'm in Manhattan, you're in Brooklyn 

Less than an hour away but still too distant 

It hurts

I miss us

I miss our pictures bringing color to the sidewalk

But six years of our art was enough

I just hope you still remember us


I'm not sure if you're still drawing but I'm into poetry

Written a few poems about you that you'll never see

And i hope that when you pick up some sidewalk chalk

you think of me

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