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So, would you like to go to the arcade after school today? I'll pay :)

Really? Are you sure?

Ofc cutie, anything for you

Haha, thank you so much!

Staring down at her phone, her best friends words started to repeat in her head.

Perhaps he was right about Kamiko flirting and asking her out?

"Hey, you okay?" Daiki raised a brow while chewing his lunch. She took a deep breath and tilted the screen his way.

"Told ya." He chuckled, taking another bite.

"I don't want to hurt her feelings. Should I call it off?" She anxiously questioned. Not having touched her lunch, he took the device from her hand, turned it off and threw it into her school bag. "Eat. Why don't you give it a chance?"

Her shoulders shrugged as she barely picked at her tray. "I'm straight, you know this."

"Are you though? You have been speaking quite highly of Kimiko these last few days."

She rolled her eyes. "It's Kamiko. And yes, I do think she's super cool. That doesn't mean I'm into girls."

He set down his tray, facing the nineteen-year-old. "Then go out with her tonight, and if you don't feel it, just be honest. Tell her it's not her, you just aren't into women that way."

Knowing her childhood friend was always right, she gave in to his request. "Fine, I'll go."


"Hey cutie." Kamiko greeted Maemi outside of the school with a smile. She nervously greeted her, hugging her coat to her body.

Opening the car door for her, she watched as the twenty-one-year-old ran around to the driver side.

  "Would you like to stop for food first?" She kindly asked, adjusting the temperature inside the car.

  "N-no it's okay, you really don't have to spend that much money on me."

   "Are you okay?" She frowned and looked her way. Sensing her weird behavior, she was worried something was wrong.

  "Nothing it's just- uh. I just wanted to tell you that I'm not really uh-" she struggled to get the words out, causing the older to struggle.

  "My friend warned me you may be straight. If a date intimates you, let's just go hang as friends."

  Feeling a weight lift from her shoulders, she happily nodded. "Thank you, Kami."

  "Of course love. Are you hungry? I really don't mind."

"N-no, thank you though."


  Walking in the door, her mother greeted her with a bright smile. "So?? How'd it go?!" She excitedly asked her daughter.

  Frowning, she set down her school bag. "What do you mean?"

  "You went on a date, right? Was he nice? Does he have a good background? What's his relationship with his mother?"

  Standing there with wide eyes, she wondered why the hell her mom thought she was on a date.

  "My friend Ryu who works at the restaurant was at the arcade with her neice and said she saw you there! She said it looked like a date and to ask you the details! She wouldn't even tell me what he looks like!" She huffed, crossing her arms in frustration.

  "Momma, I wasn't on a date. I was hanging out with a friend."

  "A male friend?" She frowned.

  Shaking her head, Maemi took a deep breath. "I was hanging out with a masculinly dressed women, mom. We are just friends."

  "Ohhhh then why did she say it seemed like a date?"

  Trying to find an excuse, she only shrugged. "I'm not sure. I need to go work on some homework now."

  As her daughter started up the stairs, she heard her mother mumble underneath her breath.

  "Pft, she thought my daughter dates girls? I didn't raise her to be that desperate."

  She closed her door behind her, feeling her phone buzz in her pocket. Smiling at the name, she opened the message right away.

I had fun, hope we can do that again.

  Her stomach dropped as she had a sudden realization. The fear in her when she spoke to her mother and the gittery feeling she had when Kamiko dropped her off and texts her...

  She looked at the claw-machine bear Kamiko had won her before quickly responding.

I had fun too. I'm free this Saturday if you'd like to hang out again :)

Sounds good cutie :)


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