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[Vijay opened his eyes and got out of his past. He was standing on the balcony biting his lips, consumed by a whirlwind of regret and confusion. The weight of his actions pressed heavily on his chest as he struggled to understand how he could have let things go so far. He had no idea what he had done, the memory of Aarya's cries haunting him.]

[Staring into the dark, starless night sky, he felt as if the universe itself was cloaked in the same turmoil and obscurity that clouded his mind. The absence of glistening stars mirrored the void in his heart, a painful reminder of his inexplicable rage and the innocent trust he had shattered. He ran his hands through his hair, tugging at it in frustration.]

[His breath came in shallow, then he paused to light a cigarette, but the smoke only intensified his anxiety. Each puff seemed to draw him deeper into his guilt. His heart sinking further at the thought of the hurt he had caused.]

[Hours passed.]

[The time was 10:10 pm, still he was standing there. There was no reaction on his face. It was looking like he became a statue.]

[The time was 11:30 pm.]

[Vijay decided to go to Aarya's room]

[As he stood in the doorway, he felt numb. The past hours had been filled with regret and self-blame, but now, a cold anger took over.]

[Vijay's mind was full of conflicting emotions; rage, guilt, sorrow all swirling together. He wanted to stop and take back every painful moment, but he couldn't. Every strike he landed on her fragile body made his inner torment worse, driving him further into madness. How could he have let his anger get the best of him, to the point where he had hurt the one person he cared about most in the world? Aarya's words echoed in his mind, accusing him of being the bad one, and he couldn't shake the feeling that she was right.]

["You're the bad one, Bhaiya. (Wiping her tears) I'll never talk to you. Neverr.... I hate you. I... I hate you."]

[He pushed the door and looked into the room. Suddenly he felt a biting cold overall in his body. The air conditioner was blasting at full power, making the room feel like a freezer. He noticed that Aarya's small figure was lying on the bed, shrinking and shivering from the intense cold she had created in her anger.]

[Seeing her like this, his emotions began to melt away, replaced by a wave of guilt and concern. He realized that her actions were a cry for attention and help, not defiance. Without thinking, he hurried to the air conditioner and turned it off, then rushed back to Aarya.]

[As Vijay held her hand to settle in the bed, he was startled to find that her skin was burning hot despite the freezing room. Then he touched her forehead. Panic surged through him as he realized she had a fever. Her small body was trembling for the cold.]

[Without wasting another moment, he carried her out of the icy room into his room. He gently placed her on his bed and quickly wrapped her in a blanket. He felt her forehead again, confirming the intense heat. Then he checked the temperature and it was almost 103°F. He quickly took the medicine, crushed it and mixed it with water.]

[He picked her up, holding her close to provide some warmth. He gently patted one of her cheeks as she was totally unconscious.]

Vijay: Aarya... Aarya... Open your eyes... Aaryaaaa.... (Patting her cheek) Aarya.... (After a pause) Please have the medicine... Aarya..

[She began to stir and blabber incoherently. Her fevered mind seemed to drift between reality and delirium.]

Aarya: I... I didn't ki... kill th...... them.. Do... Don't hurt me... Please Bhaiyaa (In an unconscious tone).

[Tears rolled up from her closed eyes. Vijay's heart broke hearing her distress. He gently stroked her hair, trying to soothe her. Vijay's eyes filled with tears as well.]

Vijay: No. No. Aarya... You didn't kill anyone... (Wiping her tears) Just open your eyes. Mumma....

['Mumma'(English) - Used to call a baby girl to adore her.]

Vijay: No one will hurt you.. I promise Aarya..

[Vijay grabbed her tightly to feel his support for her. Aarya's eyes fluttered open briefly, glazed with fever. She was whimpering and her small body was trembling despite the blankets wrapped around her. Tears were forming in her eyes.]

Aarya: (in a shivering tone) I.. Didn't... Snatched.....

Vijay: I know.... I know you didn't.... Just have the medicine, Mumma..

Aarya: Don't hurt me, Bh... Bhaiya...

Vijay: I.... I won't Aarya.

[His voice was fluttering with emotions and cracked by regret.]

[Vijay gently lifted the cup with the crushed medicine mixed with water to Aarya's lips, his hands shaking as he did so.]

Vijay: Aarya, please... Just have a sip.

[Aarya turned her head away weakly, her tears mingling with the sweat on her fevered forehead.]

Aarya: No... I don't...(She whimpered) I'm bad.

Vijay: (Softly) No Mumma you are not bad. For me, Aarya. Just a little bit.

[He coaxed her gently, his voice soothing despite the turmoil inside him. Aarya finally sipped the mixture, her resistance fading.]

Aarya: (Mumbling) Bhaiya... why did you... hate me so much?

[Vijay's heart ached at her words. He stroked her hair, his own eyes brimming with tears.]

[Aarya's eyes fluttered closed again, and she leaned into his touch, seeking comfort in her fevered state.]

Vijay: I don't know, Aarya. I don't know why I did it. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I promise I'll never hurt you again.

[The night was 1:10 pm.]

[The night wore on and she couldn't sleep till now, she was continuously murmuring.]


I've written this Chapter with my emotions and I hope you also like it.

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