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[After 2 days.]

[Vijay sat in his sleek, modern office, perched on the top floor of a towering skyscraper. He was on his office wear; bedge coloured shirt covered dark brown waist coat, paired with dark brown pants. His corner office, with its floor-to-ceiling windows, offered a panoramic view of the skyline, but his focus was on the array of documents spread out on his desk. As the CEO of Rajendran Global Logistics, Vijay had a full schedule, but today, a special call would break through his concentration.]

[The phone on his desk rang, the screen displaying a name. With a big smile, he picked up the receiver.]

[In voice call.]

Vijay: Hello, Aarya!

Aarya: Hi, Bhaiya!

Vijay: What's my little sister doing today?

[Vijay leaned back in his chair, setting aside his work for a moment.]

Aarya: I'm good! Guess what, Bhaiya? (In an excitement)

Vijay: What is it, princess?

Aarya: I got full marks in my spelling test!

Vijay: That's amazing, Aarya! I knew you could do it. (After a second) Which words did you have to spell?"

Aarya: There were lots, but the hardest one was 'MAGNIFICENT.' And I spelled it right! (giggled)

Vijay: I knew it. Because you're my little genius. (Smiled) What do you want as a reward?

Aarya: Bhaiya, I've a little request.

Vijay: And what is that Mumma?

Aarya: Ummm... Can you take me to the Amusement park? (In a hesitating tone) I want to ride on the Roller Coaster.

Vijay: That's it? (Chuckled) Done this Sunday. Okay Mummaa?

Aarya: Yay! You're the best, Bhaiya! (Giggling)

Vijay: Only because I have the best sister. Now, make sure you have your lunch.

Aarya: I've, but did you?

Vijay: I will baby. Just a little work left.

Aarya: Okay Bhaiya. Bye. Bye.

Vijay: Love you Mumma.

Aarya: Love you too, Bhaiya!

[Vijay put the phone down, felt a warmth spread through him. Despite the pressures and responsibilities of his role, moments like these reminded him of what was truly important. With a renewed sense of energy, he returned to his work, eager to wrap up the day's tasks.]

[At about 6:00 pm.]

[Vijay stepped into his home, feeling the weight of the day dragging on his shoulders. He loosened his tie and kicked off his shoes, a sigh escaping his lips. The throbbing headache that had plagued him all afternoon hadn't eased up, and all he wanted was a moment of peace.]

[As he walked towards the living room, he fell himself on the couch and started rubbing his forehead. Within a second, he heard the soft patter of feet rushing towards him. Aarya, appeared from around the corner, her face lighting up with a big smile when she saw him.]

Aarya: Bhaiya! You're home!

[He managed a tired smile, bending down to give her a hug.]

Vijay: Hi, princess.

Aarya: Bhaiya, you look tired. Are you okay?

Vijay: (nodding slowly) Nothing Mumma. Just a long day.

Aarya: (with determination) Wait right here!

[Before Vijay could respond, Aarya dashed off towards the kitchen. He smiled to himself, appreciating her thoughtfulness. He sank into the couch, resting his head back and closing his eyes, trying to ease the pain.]

[A few minutes later, Aarya returned with a steaming cup of coffee on a small tray. She carefully placed it on the table in front of him and then climbed onto the couch beside him.]

Aarya: Here, Bhaiya. Your Black Coffee.

Vijay: (taking the cup) Thank you, Aarya. You're such a thoughtful girl.

[He took a sip, feeling the warmth and aroma of the coffee start to relax him.]

Aarya: Let me massage your head, Bhaiya.

Vijay: (chuckling softly) How did you know that I've a headache.

Aarya: Because I'm elder than you Mr. Vijay Rajendran. (Giggles)

Vijay: Mr. Vijay Rajendran!!!!

[Aarya chuckled showing her teeth. Then she kept his on her lap, and she began to gently massage his scalp with her small hands. The headache slowly began to ease under her careful touch.]

Aarya: Does it feel better?

Vijay: (sighing in relief) Much better, princess.

Aarya: (smiling) You work so hard, Bhaiya. You deserve to relax.

[Vijay pulled her cheeks with a smile and closed his eyes. After a while, Aarya helped him sit up, and they both headed to the dining table. Ramu Chacha prepared a simple dinner for them; rice, dal, and vegetable curry.]

[As they sat down to eat, Aarya served him a generous portion, just like their mother used to do for me. This day he felt that Aarya consumed her mother totally.]

Vijay: You take such good care of me, Aarya. I'm really lucky to have you.

Aarya: (beaming) And I'm lucky to have the best Bhaiya in the world!

[As they finished dinner, Aarya yawned, and Vijay knew it was time for her to go to bed.]

Vijay: Alright, time for you to get some sleep, princess.

Aarya: (sleepily) Okay, Bhaiya. Goodnight.

Vijay: Goodnight, Aarya. Sweet dreams.

[He tucked her into bed, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. As he watched her drift off to sleep, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. No matter how tough the days could be, moments like these with his sister made everything worth it.]


Is this the end? or......

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