Chapter 15 - Unexpected

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As he turned around to leave, Rashmi said softly, "Leave this realm and go back to your world immediately".  Agneya didn't turn back and just said, "I will.  But not immediately".  And then he left the chamber leaving Rashmi in chaos. 


Rashmi decided to skip the class today as her mind was not in peace.  Meanwhile Agneya attended the class of Earth and by evening, he returned back to his chamber.  He was surprised to see Meghnath and Samrat waiting in his chamber.  Meghnath happily hugged Agneya and asked, "How are you?". 

Agneya didn't react to his excited form and just said, "We just met a few days ago in the Sarvayogita Competition".  Meghnath sighed at his reserved nature and said, "I pity your future wife.  If you remain inexpressive, then she might think that you are not interested in her.  And your marriage life-"

As Agneya was frowning at Meghnath's words, Samrat cleared his throat to stop their conversation about marriage and women.  Then Meghnath stepped aside to let Samrat talk about the crucial matter which brought them here.  Samrat said, "Agneya, you remember I told you about the forbidden gate which was locked by our ancestors getting weaker everyday.  Even sometimes some Asuras could use their powers beyond the gate while still being locked".

Agni nodded at his words and Samrat continued, "I think they are trying to control Rajkumari of Akashpura through her dreams.  So I have decided-".  Samrat was cut off by Agneya who said, "Rajkumari of Akashpura?  But how did you know about that?".  Samrat replied, "Dakshesh told me about this.  So As I was saying I have decided-".  He was once again cut off by Agneya.

Agni asked with a frown, "How did Dakshesh knew about her problems?".  Meghnath replied, "Agneya, since sheela took leave from the classes, Dakshesh went to meet her and that's how he came to know about these issues.  But what happened to you?  Why are you so worked up?".

Agneya cleared his throat and said calmly, "I'm not worked up.  I just wanted to know how he came to know about the problem".  Unknowingly Agni was relieved that it was not Rashmi whom Dakshesh met.  Then Samrat continued, "Agneya, we don't know how she became a target but the immediate step from our side is to prevent her from fully transforming into their spawn.  That's why I have decided that Charusheela will enter the palace as soon as possible".

Everyone was quiet for moment and then Agneya asked, "Just by keeping her in the palace, can you prevent the consequences?".  Meghnath replied, "She will be under their complete control if She touches the forbidden gate.  It seems like, they have just started to influence her mind and pull her towards them.  So if we can keep her under our watch and make sure that she doesn't go and touch the forbidden gate then it is resolved for now".

Agneya remembered Rashmi's words about Charusheela going to the forbidden gate in the night and about to touch it as well.  But hearing the words of Samrat and Meghnath, he realised that these details were not shared with them.  And he cannot be sure about whether Dakshesh knows about this or not.

Agneya nodded at them and as they were about to leave, he asked, "Samrat, I have one doubt.  You said that I'm the one who can destroy them once and for all.  But you didn't say how".  Samrat looked at him for a moment and then said, "I deliberately left that information out of our conversation back then.  Because I thought it would overwhelm you.  Actually there is a sword which is present in our palace under heavy protection, that can destroy them all".

Agneya questioned, "If so, then why don't I use that sword on the forbidden gate now and destroy them forever?".   Samrat sighed and then said, "No Agneya.  It's not safe for you.  You are yet to learn more about your powers and then only you will be able to use that sword, as it requires strong physical as well as mental powers. Secondly the sword is frozen right now.  How to bring it to life, is something no one knows at present".

Agneya - The Unknown KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang