Chapter 14

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Ben hisses as he stands in the doorway of my ensuite. He turns to me, anger radiating from his body, bursting through every pore. "Someone's been in your God damn room!"

I jump slightly at his tone. "I know, I can see that" His hand grips the wooden frame, hard and I worry for the damage that he's about to cause. "Let's just calm down and think about this."

"Calm down? You want me to calm down when notes are being written on your mirror by someone? When someone is accessing your room so easily?" His tone is loud and I wish he had a volume button.

"Ben, I get it but we aren't going to accomplish anything by being mad" I state.

"You sure about that? I think Will forgets I have his parents." He bangs the frame as he walks from the frame and paces back and forth by the floor to ceiling window. He digs his phone out of his pockets and I watch with careful eyes. I don't know his next move but I feel my guard rising, finally being strong enough to lift it.

I sigh. Will's parents don't deserve to die because someone wrote on my mirror in lipstick "Let's not jump the gun on anything" I say, holding my hands out, trying to reason with him.

His head snaps towards me and his eyes are clouded over "Jump the gun?" He asks, cocking his brow, "You think I'm jumping the gun when someone can get in and out of your house?"

"I think you're jumping the gun by trying to hurt his parents for it, yes"

He doesn't like this, he hates me not agreeing with him and it's only building that rage within' him. "I tell you want's jumping the gun, it's ever getting with that scumbag wolf!"

My jaw drops. I can't believe he's just said that "I'm going to school" I say, picking my coat up off the bed. I'm glad I already changed whilst Ben was making his way here otherwise I'd be stuck in this room with him for even longer.

He laughs "I don't think so, I'm not letting you out of my sight!"

I pick by bag up, placing it over my shoulder "You don't have a choice, I'm not your little bitch just yet, mate." My anger is starting to rise and it's only causing us both to argue back and forth, we can't be around each other right now.

I leave my room, rushing out of the house. Ben calls after me, his tone getting more frustrated with each call but I ignore him. How dare he blame me for this? Maybe if his pack had better security then we wouldn't have someone writing on my mirror.

As I get in the car, I turn the engine on and tell myself not to look back at the house and focus solely on getting to school. Ben has wound me up but I find it too easy to forgive him now-a-day's with this mating bond but I won't forgive him easily for this. I understand that people say things when angry because I do it too, but blaming me for being a teenager in love? That isn't exactly fair.

My phone begins to ring and I see the name come up on the screen in the car, of course Ben is trying to ring me, he isn't getting his own way. I'll let him calm down and then we'll talk. I doubt he'll be coming into school today after what's happened and he'll be having pack meetings throughout the day. I feel like I should be there, talking this over and offering my assistance but I can't be around Ben right now. I hardly think that anything bad is going to happen to be in a school full of wolves and I'm certain that Ben will increase the security there, too.

How much security will it take for anyone to feel safe here now? It's clear that this pack is under attack and every day the threat on us is getting worse. There has to be a plan, a plan that is better than being vigilant and upping security. As I drive to school, I find my eyes looking all around me for signs of being watched. It would be a hell of a lot easier if we knew where Will was rather than worrying that he's still within' our borders. I suppose we'd sense him if he was, but that must mean that he's working with someone, someone in this pack or a rogue that's slipped under the radar.

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