Scene 074

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Scene 074

Later that night Amy awoke in the cabin. "Hello. Are you here?" she called.

Dam's voice came from the side of the cabin where all the pillows lay. "Over here, little one." He raised an arm.

A grin crossed Amy's face. She walked to the pillows and jumped upon them.

Laughter rolled from Dam as he reached out to grab her, pulling her on top of him.

Amy's face filled with laughter, as she focused upon his face. The laughter slowly flowed away and an intense hungry look took over. Amy ran her fingers through Dam's thick black hair. "Hello, gorgeous. Long time no see."

Looking at Amy's face, Dam slowly reached out to pull her head to him. He gave her a slow kiss, pulling her body closer to his.

Amy broke contact with his mouth. "Wow," she said. She laid her head on his chest, her hand still playing with his hair. As she looked up at him, a slight purr rumbled from Dam's chest. Reaching up, Amy locked her lips to his and began a deep kiss.

At the contact of Amy's mouth, Dam's voice went from a purr to a growl. In a blink of an eye their clothes disappeared. Dam reached for Amy's breast with one of his big hands. He began to knead and pet the large peach mound. Amy soon began to purr herself. Dam's other hand roamed from Amy's hip to just under her other breast, just slightly brushing the underside of it.

The sound of her blood rushing filled her ears, and with a huge moan, Amy straddled Dam's body. He was so aroused. Every time he moved, she felt that wonderfully aroused part of him brush her opening. Amy took a deep breath and gave a little wiggle. Dam gave a little growl. She flashed Dam a smile and asked. "Do you greet everyone you meet like this?"

Laughter filled Dam's eyes, then Amy rocked her hips against him again. He let out a deep growl and rolled her under him. "No, I find I'm just extremely happy to see you." Said Dam. He returned with a rock of his own hips. He quickly brushed against the entrance of Amy's opening and was gone.

"Oh." moaned Amy. She flashed a smile. With a growl, Amy reached for Dam pulling his head down, and gave him a long kiss.

Dam ended the kiss. He began to kiss along her jaw and down her neck. He added small nips and licks every few kisses. Amy let out a heavy moan that ended with a whimper. Dam responded with a rumbling purr. It sent waves of pleasure through Amy.

Amy placed her hands on the sides of Dam's head in Dam's hair to hold him still. She felt as if she was slowly being shook apart. Dam's stilled his head on her shoulder. Amy felt his grin and with a quick move he latched onto her breast. He began licking and nipping the dark nipple, sending shiver and ripple of pleasure through Amy's body. Soon Dam increased her pleasure by kneading the other breast, within moments Amy was arching into Dam's touch.

"Dam," Amy said huskily. "I feel so . . . strange." Her hands traveled from his head down his strong muscled back to his firm buttocks, and back again. Every now and then gripping him when he caused a strong throb in her middle.

Dam stopped for a moment. He raised himself to her ear. "I'll let you in on a little secret," said Dam. He nuzzled her ear and nipped her ear lobe. "You are supposed to feel this way."

Dam went back to nuzzling her, while his hand wondered down to her waist. He brought his knee up and placed it between her thighs. As Amy's thighs opened, Dam brought his knee up to rock against her pulsing center.

Amy gasped but arched into and with the movement of Dam's leg.

A faint laugh was heard as Dam traveled down to suckle Amy's other nipple. His hand at her waist traveled farther down still.

Heat was building in Amy. She was now throbbing in rhythm with Dam's mouth. Dam brought his knee against her sharply. Amy let out a large groan. "What is happening? Fix it!"

Dam gave Amy a sharp nip, and a husky laugh came from him. "Oh, we'll fix it soon enough," Dam said. Quickly he captured Amy in a deep kiss as his hand reached her center.

Emerged in Dam's kiss and pulsing with the rhythm of his knee, Amy didn't notice where Dam's hand was wondering to. She felt Dam's finger slide into her and stretch her. Amy let out a small moan and tried to close her legs in surprise.

"Shh. It is all right. Easy . . .," Dam said into her mouth. He quickly went back to kiss her and with his other hand kneaded her breast.

Amy shook her head. It wasn't long before Dam had her forgetting her embarrassment of this new play.

"Are you mine?" Dam asked with a growl.

So caught up in these new feeling and emotions, Amy didn't understand what Dam had asked of her. He asked her a second time. "Yes!" She cried out with a huge arch of her hips.

A deep purring moan was Dam's answer as he placed both hands along Amy's jaw line. "Look at me," he said. He stopped a motion of his body.

Amy shook her head, no. She was embarrassed and uncertain. Her body was still throbbing to the pace Dam had set, it was still reaching for something Amy didn't understand.

"Look at me." He growled again. He gave her a small painful nip upon the chin.

Amy gave a whimper of need as she opened her eyes. Looking at Dam, she saw that he was just holding onto his control. Amy gave him a hesitant smile. For some reason Amy thought he looked as if he was asking permission. She took a breath and pulled him to her, opening her legs.

Dam settled himself between her legs. In one swift moment he claimed her mouth and entered her at the same time. He groaned as he entered her tight and warm pulsing body.

Crying out Amy tried to push him away, and break off the kiss. Dam's hands would not let her move her head, and his body had her penned to the bed of pillows. After the first sharp pain there wasn't any more, even as Amy wiggle under Dam.

Dam fought for control as he laid still trying to allow Amy's body to adjust to his entrance. He gave her a deep kiss, it drew her breath and tested his control. He then gave her small nips along her jaw line and began to pet her in a soothing motion.

Amy stilled, she moaned as she felt him throb deep inside of her. She let go of another moan as Dam stroked the sensitive area of her body. Unknowing to herself Amy began to start up the movements she had been making before Dam's entrance.

As he felt her first tentative rhythmical movements, Dam began to encourage her with small movement of his own body. He began to suck and give small nips to her breast and continue to stroke her body.

In seconds Amy couldn't stay still, she began to rock. Amy took a small nip of her own out of Dam's shoulder. She tightly gripped his shoulders.

Groaning Dam quickly went about showing Amy the correct rhythm. Soon their bodies were pulsing faster and faster. Their rhythm was getting faster and faster. Then they were exploding and flying through space. As they came back to themselves, they laid in the others' arms until their hearts and breath returned to normal.

"Is it always like that?" asked Amy. Looking up at him shyly and flashed a small smile.

"It has never been like that for me. I think with practice we will just keep getting better and better."

"Oh," said Amy. She looked a little put out. Then a large smile spread across her face. "Oh," Amy said again as she comprehended Dam's meaning.

"Yes, 'Oh' is very appropriate." They curled around each other and watched the fire burn.

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