Chapter 25 - Get ready

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I sat with Mia until the man that had kidnapped us came, i placed Mia behind me as he walked in the room.

"I see you are awake Ava" he said with a smile, i glared at him.

"I am not Ava, my name is Victoria" i spat at him, i felt Mia's hands grip the back of my top. I couldn't let my child stay here, we need to escape and soon.

"Ava you don't need to lie to me anymore, i know who you are and you know who i am, its me your mate, its Richard your Richie" he said pleading me with his eyes, i could tell he wouldn't believe anything i said but i had to try, for my daughters sake.

"I have never met you before in my life, i'm sorry but i'm not Ava" i said, his sad expression soon became angry which mad me flinch back a little to protect Mia if i have too, this made Richard growl and come closer to grab me and pull me to his chest.

"Do not lie to me, and do not move away, i am your mate and you will do as i say" he growled, i flinched at his harsh tone and cower at the power coming off of him. He then turned his gaze to Mia, "Would you like some pancakes little pup?" he asked her, her eyes lit up and she nodded.

"Will mummy get pancakes too?" she asked, i couldn't help but smile at her.

"Of course she will" he said smiling. He kept his hand on my waist which made me feel sick, i took a hold on Mia's hand and kept a firm but soft grip on it. I also kept my guard up in case anything was to happen.

I wonder why this man thought I was Ava as I'm sure by the way I act is different from the way she would and her voice would be different, I kept an eye out for anything that could help me escape and get back to my mate and my other children.

As we sat at the table waiting on our pancakes a tall, dark haired man walked in and bowed to my kidnapper.

"Sir they are coming" was all he said for me and my kidnapper to stiffen. I was hopping they were talking about my pack.

"Get ready to fight, I'm not letting her go this time round" he said with such seriousness in his voice that it sent shivers down my spin in fear.



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