Chapter 28 - Escape

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"i donno, he has kidnapped me and my daughter Mia and i really need to get away, i cant stay here, i need my mate and to make sure my other babies are safe." i sat to them, they both look as if they are mind linking each other.

"we will help you".......

Unknown POV

I ran and ran and ran but i couldnt help the feeling someone was after me, i kept smelling different scents but it seems like they were there ages ago.

I suddenly smelt this really strong scent right before a wolf landed on top of me, he reaked of power, a beta?.

He shifted right on top of me and i tried to not look at him as he was butt naked like the day he was born.

"Tori?" he asked, i turned to look him in the eyes, with a confused look on his face i shook my head and tried to find my voice.

"M-my names Ava"..........

Tori's POV

It was now the middle of the night and the guard that was helping me had told me to wait for him at the entrance of the pack house, it has been a week since he told me he was going to help me.

"Av.. Tori?" he asked from behind me, i turned around and gave him a small smile.

"Are you ready?" i asked him, he nodded then lead the way, we got to the edge of the territory without anyone finding out, i was so scared, Mia was sleeping on my shoulder as i carried her through the woods.

She began to move as we got to the edge of the territory, i shhed her to see if she will go back over which she did.

"Your territory is 150 miles away from here, go north and once you hit a town called wolfbane you start going north-west, you got that, and keep running, all the way in your wolf form okay, you can not get caught." he stated, i nodded and he took Mia from me so i can shift, he got some rope and tired her to my back so she wouldn't fall off.

I gave him a nod and started running in the direction he told me to go, i was only 5 miles away from the pack that had took me when Mia woke up, she looked so confused but cuddled into my fur.

59 miles later

we arrived at the town and i shifted and changed into come clothes so we can get something to eat, it was a strange town only one or two shops. we went into this little cafe and ordered a tea for me and a juice box for Mia, i ordered a few sandwiches for us to eat the now and to go.

"Are you girls lost?" a woman in the cafe had said to me.

"No we are perfectly fine, just on our way home just thought we would stop in this little cafe for something to eat" i said with a smile, Mia was eating her sandwich when the lady came over with the other sandwiches.

"Thank you so much" Mia said to her with one of her cutest smiles, the woman couldn't help but smile at the little girl.

"We best be going Mia" i said to her, she nodded and picked up the bag with food and we walked out the cafe and towards the forest line and as soon as we were out of sight from the town i shifted back to my wolf form, Mia climbed on and I started running in the direction of north west.

125 miles away

Almost there, it has been hours of running and I feel like I'm going  to claps, Mia and I have been sitting next to a broken tree for half an hour now, we had ate our food and was about to start running again.

Mia had fallen asleep again as we started running, I could sense that we were getting close to my territory, I could feel the connection to the pack starting to nag at the back of my head, as I started feeling it I started to try and contact Toby, I tried and tried but the link was to weak at the moment.

"Please here me, Toby, dad, anyone" I shouted into the link hoping someone will here me, I started to see black dots as o fought to stay awake as I was using all my energy running and trying to contact anyone.

I could feel Mia holding on more as she knew I was near my limit.

"Tori?" I heard in my head, it was my dads voice.

"Help" .......



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