Memory Palace

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Chapter 7

Weeks had passed now and my wound is fully healed, which was a big relief for me. It also been days after talking to the FBI and Will but the conversation in the hospital was not the last. Days after I was discharged, they invited me to visit their HQ which I gladly accepted. My theory for the medicine used on the patient was actually right which took my interest deeply. I've been visiting in there and helping other agents to their investigation. Their was no other victim after the Ronaldo Coretti Case, who was the patient and that is quite odd.

I also bought a house now which is not that far from Baltimore but still far from Elizabeth which is not actually in my liking but the house I bought immediately took my interest the first time I was able to see it. It was a two story building consisting of 7 rooms and a master bedroom but the thing that caught my eye was the beautiful cellar which has two separate room; one has several wine racks and the other was just empty possibly for other storage use which I am thinking of changing it to be a laboratory for myself. Major renovation wasn't actually unnecessary for the house but I like to add some details so I called one my interior designer who was actually arriving today. I already moved in the house and but there are still boxes left to unpack. Maria also send some other things for my comfort for I think she knew I will be staying longer that what is planned. At breakfast my phone ringed and it was Jack who was actually calling. As I answered the phone they said they have some suspects already but he's asking me if I could come. I said it was okay for the drive to Virginia was just a couple of hours and since my car was already in here there will be no problem. But after my interior designer arrived with her crew and I was about to leave and open the door, Will Graham was at my doorway.

"Oh!, Mr. Graham, I didn't expect you to be visiting?" I said but I notice that he is not himself today so try to I flick my fingers which made him come back to reality.

"R-ia?, W-wha-t?, Ho-w? What am I doing in here?" Questioned Will while looking at me confused.

"I think I should be the one to question you Will" I replied and let him inside.

"I-i was..I was actually on my way to see Dr. Lecter but it seems that I lost track of time and I ended up in here" He explained while pacing back and forth. I lead him to the kitchen to seat near the coffee table while I started to prepare some tea for him.

"Does this have to do with stress?, I am not a psychologist Will but I am a doctor and I can see clearly that you are not well" I told him but he just shook his head.

"No, well yes I think but I already told Dr. Lecter about this and he said that I'm just abusing myself"

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