Chapter 5: Weddings Are Not Always A Fairytale

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"You have an appointment with the wedding planner at two. All the preparations have been taken care of, all you have to do is choose a wedding dress and walk down the aisle. Boris will take you to town whenever you are ready."

Alexandra was only capable of nodding her head at Nikolei's words. He didn't give her much time to think thoroughly and of course, she had chose to save the only family she has.

The orphanage.

That morning, she spent her time wallowing all the sadness she felt. She sat in the garden, facing the beautiful ancient-looking fountain surrounded by various types of colourful, blooming flowers. Maybe this was for the best. The least she could do was to help Nikolei from losing his son, Gayle. This was the only thing she could do to repay him when she had left him before their wedding.

Maria had called her out from the entrance of the garden. She quickly stood up from her seat and approached her, gasping for bit of air. "Alex, I need you to help me send Gayle to school. I need to visit my daughter at the hospital for a while. Her husband called me just now to inform that she has gone into labour."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Gayle. You better go now, don't want you to be missing out on your grandchild's birth."

Maria smiled and kissed her on the cheeks, feeling grateful. After Maria exited the house, she went upstairs to search for Gayle. She cleared her throat and was ready to shout for Gayle's name when he suddenly pulled on her blouse to grab her attention.

She smiled at the boy, "Gayle, I'll be taking you to school today since Maria has important matters to attend to."

"Okay. Let's get going if we don't want to be stucked in a traffic's jam. Can I call you Alex too?"

Alexandra smiled and nodded at the boy's request. For a small boy, he sure was a very smart boy. However, what didn't escape her eyes was how timid and a bit scared he was. She just shrugged it off not wanting to interfere. 

Gayle had held her hand in his when they walked out of the house and approached Boris who was wiping the car clean. The drive was not that long as they manage to escape the bad traffic. Alexandra got out of the car and held his lunchbox in her hand while walking Gayle to the entrance of his school although he insisted that he could manage it himself.

"Thank you. I never had anyone walk me to the gate, well, except for Maria."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusing ways.

Gayle continued, "I need to go now. Thanks again, Alex. Can you pick me up after school today?"

"Sure, Gayle." Gayle squealed in delight and quickly pulled her hand down and placed a kiss on her cheek before running towards the door of his school building. She chuckled at the excited boy and went back to the car. She slid in beside Boris, earning a glance from him.

The drive was silence. As she felt bored, she decided to talk to Boris to enlighten the mood.

"How is it working with Mr. Machiavelli?"

"He is a good boss. So, so far so good and I like this job very much. I get to drive expensive cars."

She laughed when Boris threw her playful glances. Looks like his driver was not that serious after all. She sighed silently as she got warmed welcome by Nikolei's staffs.

"If I may, Ms. Rakers, how do you know a man like Mr. Machiavelli himself?"

She stopped chuckling and let out a sigh. "I was his ex-fianceé. We met during college."

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