Chapter 25: Desolation and Agony

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Slightly chill and windy were the day that morning despite of the Sun's effort to bestow the earthlings with its light and warmth. Today was just as normal and usual as any other day for everyone but not the same could be said for Alexandra.

A few days had passed and the constant dreams and nightmares were starting to wear her out and now, flashes of different situations and scenes were starting to disturb her concentration during her living daylight. One day she would showed up at the bakery looking all lively and cheerful, while the other day a dishevelled look and weariness looked much more appealing to her.

Some of her concerned workers would constantly asked for her in concern and worries until she'd dismiss them telling herself and all the good-willed employees that she was just as fine as any other day.

However, despite of all the I-am-fine talks with her employees, one person in particular wouldn't back down and had constantly bugging her to take a rest and leave the bakery to her to run. Rae would sat beside her, staring at her as long as she could trying to figure her out everytime Alexandra spaced out on her or... more exactly everytime she's free of work at the bakery.

"The folks from Camberly came by today." Rae said, lying through her teeth in effort to gain Alexandra's attention from something that was occupying her mind that moment. Who knew, by mentioning Camberly into her conversation it would distract Alexandra from whatever it was that was distracting her right now because everyone in the bakery knew how she was very fond of the old couple from Camberly whom would often visited the bakery just to taste her blueberry tarts.

Fingers were crossed, but nothing seemed to work when Alexandra acted like she was not in the very same room with her. It was as if she was in another world of her own, oblivious to her present world she was currently living in.

She sighed, "Alexandra."

No answer.

"Alexandra!" She finally yelled, venting her pent up feelings that she held onto after some time.

"W-what?" Alexandra replied, rapidly blinking her eyes as she stare at Rae with her widened eyes. "Yes, Rae? Do you need anything?"

"No, I do not but you do. You need help and I am not joking this time." Rae spoke with a stern voice.

"Rae-" Alexandra sighed and started to whine when the woman beside her cut her.

"I'm serious, Alex. You've been spacing out quite frequently lately and it brought many concerns to everyone here. It is so unlikely of you and I know something is going on with you despite of the countless times you told us that everything's fine."

She smiled reassuringly, "I'm fine. Just getting some restless sleeps these recent nights. That's all."


"Look, I'll go home and get some rest. Just like you wanted, okay?"

Rae nodded hesitantly and watched silently as Alexandra made a bee line to the door. She slowly shook her head, trying to figure out what was really going on with her employer recently. She wanted to say it had something to do with Grant but just yesterday they were all hugs and kisses with each other. So, there was definitely more to that that they all didn't know of.


Her body was sweating and her breaths were heavy as she panted rapidly on her bed. The dream she just had woke her up instantly from her nap, jolting up from her bed as she squeezed her chest painfully with her hand. It's been days now that the dreams always visited her in her deep slumber everytime she gets to close her eyes, and that everytime would constantly filled with either Nikolei, Gayle or a woman whom she didn't recognize named Rosie.

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